Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tackling Breakfast Cupcakes

We had another Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Challenge yesterday! This month the theme was breakfast and my entry was Breakfast in Bed.

Breakfast in Bed Cupcakes
When I first heard about the challenge, I thought "What is the best breakfast I ever had?" The answer was clear. Two years ago, I made Stuffed French Toast for Christmas morning and it was by far the tastest. So, I knew that was it. I just needed to figure out a way to incorporate it into a cupcake.
The first thing that came to my mind was a charolette. This is a molded dessert lined with sponge cake, ladyfingers or buttered bread. I figured that the bread would become the cup of the cupcake. But it wasn't just bread; it was French Toast. This traditionally is bread dipped in egg and milk but I wanted to kick it up a notch. So, I used the custard from a bread pudding recipe for this component. And the "stuffed" part is a cream cheese filling. I finished this dish with a fresh strawberry garnish.

I served these beauties up on a wicker tray lined with my Grandmother's apron. Coupled with "Bacon and Eggs" from Kid's Cookie Day (it's just for show) and a glass of OJ and you have Breakfast in Bed.
Oh, by the way...I won!!!

Yeah Me:-) And...I am going to be on TV again!!
TMJ was filming last night and if you are in the Milwaukee area, watch at 10p.m.!! I am a media whore:-)


Anonymous said...


Oh my gosh....YUM!!!!

Love stuffed french toast!

Breakfast in bed-so cute!!

Unknown said...

I had a feeling you were going to win! Excellent!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Congrats again! So cute. And I bet it was delish. When you do the challenges...do you have to make two? One for display and one for them to taste? Or is it more about the visual rather than what it tastes like?

Jen said...

that is so awesome. I think that you are totally onto something here. Very awesome cupcake!

Bettina said...

I want to come to your house for breakfast:)

This looks yummy, congratulations on your WIN! WooHoo

Upstatemamma said...

Wow! Those look so good my mouth is watering. :)

Andrea said...


I have to stop looking at your blog when I'm hungry!! ;)

thotlady said...


I remember you telling me about this when we had coffee.

I love stuffed french toast, so I am sure I would love this. And it looks scrumptious too!

Jennifer said...

Yay for you Susie!! You are so creative w/ those cupcakes! That is an excellent idea--I'm so happy you won!

Elisabeth said...

This looks delicious. Now, who's going to make it for YOU so you can eat it in bed? :)

Controlling My Chaos said...

Congrats! That is so awesome. Will you always remember us little people now that you are famous?

Anonymous said...

congratulations! How cool! Is that eggs on pretzel sticks that I see? I could be WAY WAY off...but I can't tell :) I want the recipe for the french toast!!!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful!! Wow, I love to cook and would love to enter some contest but there are not any around here. So, I just practice on my family! haha Congratulations!!!

Shannon said...

I'm sure I have said this before... but you are so creative!

And congrats on the win! That is so cool!

Shannon said...

You know what... you could totally open your own gourmet cupcake shop!

littletoesandcheerios said...

Good luck ya media whore...LOL!
And the cupcakes look delish!

Aunt Julie said...

You really know how to make the rest of us look bad! Please post the link to your TV appearance, OK?

cherry said...

Congrats...how exciting! That french toast llllooooooks soo good.

Megan said...

That sounds SOOOOO good!!! Yummy!

Congrats on your win!

Thanks for stopping by today. =)

Donetta said...

Ya!Thanks for the encouraging supportive comment. Yes it really can make a big difference having an inventory.
The dish sounds yummy. I cant have milk (allergy) but I can dream. :)

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


I am so excited for you!

You have done such wonderful things lately, you should be very proud of yourself!

Frizzy said...

Two food blogs in a row! I'm going to eat myself out of house and home after seeing your pics and reading what's in them. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE A ROCK STAR! I can't wait to see you on Food Network Challenge.

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

I love the theme and the colors go so well together. Not to mention it sounds delicious

debi9kids said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOO! Congrats!!!!!

Lilly said...

CONGRATULATIONS you so deserve it this looks amazing!!!!

Jen said...

Congratulations! You did an amazing job!

Honey Mommy said...

Great job. That looks SO yummy.

L2L said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me!!! I'm going to make sure my kiddos don't see this they will try to convience me cupcakes are okay for breakfast!!!!!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Yummy! :D

Congratulations, Susie!!

BPOTW said...

CONGRATS!! That description sounds so yummy. How can I make something like that???!!!

Tiff said...

Congrats on your win!!!!

Jolene said...

I've never heard of breakfast cupcakes but they sound (and look) sooooo good.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That sounds so good - stuffed French Toast is my favorite breakfast! :)

Laura said...

Oh that is so cute!

cat said...

Congratulations! How creative is that!

TheHurt said...

Oh, yummy! Wanna come make breakfast for me?! :)

Luv Luv


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That looks yummo! Congrats also on being SITS blog of the day! :)

Xazmin said...

Wow - you are so food clever! I've had fun visiting with you!

MsTypo said...

Congrats on your win! It is well deserved! That cupcake has me drooling all over my keyboard!

Carebear said...

Dipped in custard and filled with cream cheese?! I am drooling, here. And I love that you have now given me permission to eat cupcakes for breakfast! You're the best!

Beth said...

Sounds delicious! Congrats on your win!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! What a breakfast!

Laurel said...

Please come over and do this for my birthday! Congrats on your win!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a breakfast! Congratulations! It looks awesome!

Unknown said...

These look amazing! You are a creative genius!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your win! Happy SITS day, enjoy the attention! :)

Lani said...

Yum! Looks great, congratulations!

April said...

Wow...CONGRATULATIONS on your win! That's awesome!

Preston said...

Of course you won. They look so darn tasty and I bet they even taste better served in bed. Congrats on your SITS day!

Amy said...

Oh I wish you were here right now making that for me. It looks so good.

RebeccaMom said...

this sounds soooo good! and it looks gorgeous!

mommytoalot said...

Way to go!!
Happy SITS day to you as well,.

Island Girl said...

That looks so good! Congrats on the win and your SITS day!

Anonymous said...

What a clever idea...and its sounds delicious. You need to enter the Pillsbury Bake-Off recipe contest if you haven't already. I'm sure you could whip up something creative in no time!

Sandy said...

That looks so good! Congrats:0)

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

Wow! Sounds way yummy!

Anonymous said...

omg, that looks so good!!

Congratulations on your win!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I love this. There are no other words. Just love it. :)

Happy SITS Day, Suzie!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Congrats on winning. Outstanding!!!!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Oh wow!! That looks delicious!!!

Congrats on winning!!

Heather said...

Those would be so good with my coffee right now. You are such a talented lady!!!

Lauren said...

Those look so good. Congratulations!

Happy SITS day.

Sara said...

That sounds to die for! Congrats!

Sara said...

That sounds to die for! Congrats!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...


Tiffany said...

Congrats on winning! How cool!

Vickie said...

That breakfast looks yummy! Congrats to being on TV.

Willo said...

Congratulations! That looks like a very well deserved win! But I would be willing to do a taste test to confirm :)

Craftymoose Crafts said...

If I were served these, I think I would never get out of bed!

Anti-Supermom said...

That looks crazy good - wow!

Simply AnonyMom said...

Happy SITS day!

Those look so good. You are so creative.

koopermom said...

Cupcakes for breakfast?? You just spoke to my heart!!!

Alex the Girl said...

My husband would love you.

Aubrey said...

OMGoodness! THAT was so exciting! Do you have a clip of what aired?

Ronnica said...

That looks so good, so I'll say it again...where's mine?

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

These are so cool!


Sounds and looks and I'm sure TASTES amazing! Congrats on your win and your TV appearance!

Heather said...

Iron Cupcake, that is so cool! Those breakfast dishes you made look really good! I'll have to look up TMJ, the first thing that comes to my mind is the temporomandibular joint, lol!

Sera said...

Hey! Happy SITS day! Those cupcakes sound like one of the most yummy things ever. I'm a HUGE fan of french toast, but this sounds way better than just plain old french toast. How cool that you won and got to be on TV, too! And I loved the presentation of the foods, too. So cute!

Mimi said...


Lula! said...


These are amazing.

Michelle said...


mommy4life said...

Congratulations!!! and happy SITS day!

Marrdy said...

This sounds so yummy!

{leah} said...

TV!!! That's awesome!! And yoru breackfast looks great!

Reeni said...

I am loving cupcakes for breakfast! How decadent. I did a post on Espresso Brownies for breakfast last week. It doesn't get much better than this! Enjoy your day of being featured SITS-er!!!

Karen M. Peterson said...

That sounds awesome! I think I'm going to try it!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Happy SITS day! =)

Lori said...

That sounds incredible!!!

Rachel Lundy said...

It looks delicious!

Kendra said...


Angie said...

YUMMY! One of the best luxuries in life is breakfast in bed if you ask me! Congratulations!

Tanielle said...

What a yummy entry...so happy you won! That is awesome! Congrats!!!

Tara said...

WOW! That is so cool! and this must take amazing!!! yummmyyy!!! i want one!

Unknown said...

That sounds incredibly yummy. Congratulations on winning!

Carma Sez said...

Well done! congrats

Rachael said...

Congrats on your win, but your blog is making me really hungry :-)

Judah said...

oh stuffed french toast!! yummY!! congrads on winning and Happy SITS day

jules1219 said...

What a cute idea! Looks delicious and sinful!

Sheryl said...

Very creative....congrats.

Lissa K said...

I LOVE stuffed french toast AND french toast casserole! Congratulations!!!

a new Sitsa,

MammaDucky said...

You had me at Breakfast Cupcake. *drool*

April Kennedy said...

that looks delish! and nicely presented.

Grand Pooba said...

Why did i have to just start a diet?

Kalei said...

Congrats on the Feature today. Congrats on the win and the whoring around the media =). Visiting from SITS....You are awesome!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Stopping by from SITS ... I'm drooling just looking at your pictures. Yummy stuff - I'm so glad there are talented people out there like you to make my kitchen time easier!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I hate breakfast... but I think I would love it in your house!

Happy SITS day!

Elaine said...

Hapy SITS day.....these honestly look incredible and I bet they taste that way too!
Elaine :)

Tori C. said...

Love this!

Leslie said...

Wow! Congratulations! And it looks wonderful!

Days of Whine & Noses said...

I made stuffed fresh toast for CHristmas a couple years ago too!

Happy SITS Day!

Porters said...

I've seen that bacon and eggs thing before and they are so cute!

Anonymous said...

yummy!!! Happy SITS Day and love your honesty...you dirty media whore, you!!

Chelsie said...

Congrats Miss Iron Cupcake!

Lyssa said...

I might eat breakfast again. :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Congrats on winning - those look amazing! Happy SITS Day! :)

Being Me said...

Oh yum, they look divine!

Happy SITS day :) I want to eat your masthead - look at those cupcake tops!!

angie said...

I've totally got to make those bacon and eggs!

Eve said...

Those do sound tasty!

Mommy's Wish List said...

If I wasn't a "Leggo my Eggo" mommy who cannot cook beautiful food like that, I'd cook a beautiful cupcake like that. Just like that. And eat it all myself. While the kids were at school. And wash the dish before they got home so they wouldn't know what they missed. And then, I'd dance around the house on a custard high.

Tabitha Blue said...

Wow, that looks and sounds SO good!!!! Congrats on your win, it totally deserved it!!


Bramblemoon Farm said...

How cool is that!!! What a great and yummy idea:)

Maridith said...

What a fabulous idea!! I am lucky if I have a breakfast bar let alone make anything this beautiful. Nice work!

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I've actually never had stuffed French Toast. Might have to give it a try.

Take Care,


Michelle said...

Oh way cool! Congrats, Susie! I meant to ask you in the montage about the bacon and eggs ... because I knew I'd seen it before. Now I don't have to and can just go look it up myself :)

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