Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is My Attitude Today

We are expecting 3 to 5 inches of snow...AGAIN:-(


More Than Words said...

LOL, cute cup!!!

Wow..more snow?????

SouthernDogwoods said...

OH No! Hope for your sake that the weather guy is wrong!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I'm sick of snow too.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Adorable cup!

Wow, that is some snow!!

Can't wait for spring!!

larkswing said...

Hehe - great cup!!
Sorry about the snow :(

B said...

LOVE IT! I so needed that cup yesterday.

Suzann said...

we're expecting rain AND snow. ugh.

Hootin Anni said...

Love this cup. I collect cups....but not snow/slush...we live in the south where the winters are mild.

My Wordful is full of it....well, at least the 'kids' fascination of it all. Come see what I mean if you can find time today. Happy Wednesday!!

Amy said...

Cute mug :) IT's in the 70's here, I can not imagine snow.

heidi @ ggip said...

What a cute mug! I wish we would get some nice fluffy snow!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Cute mug! Wish we would see some snow...stay warm!

tiarastantrums said...

I feel the same way - raining now - turning to snow later

na said...

Our slush is gone and has been replaced with MUD! Have a great day!

Cascia Talbert said...

More snow in Wisconsin? That is the one thing that I do not miss about living there. It always stinks when you get dumped on in February. That is when you are ready for spring.

Michelle said...

Bummer about more snow....but cute cup! :)

Jen said...

I so what you are saying they are saying the same thing here but I am choosing to live in denial.

Liz said...

Cute mug
and I have to agree, slush does happen!

Anonymous said...

That is super cute! I'm over winter too. Way over it.

Andrea said...

Yeah...that would def. be my attitude too! Unfortunately we still have probably about 2 months of winter left here! :(

Casey's trio said...

I just commented to a friend yesterday that I don't think I could survive in a place where it snows with 3 small children. We go out of our mind when we are stuck in the house with rain....snow would just do us in!

thotlady said...

Well, it was in the 70's here last week, and today we had snow. It didn't accumulate, but it was nice to see the flakes for the first time this winter.

Crazy I know, since you have had a truckload of snow this winter.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i like it...and i too, am feeling it!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh us too. I'm in northeast ohio. we've gotten hit hard this year. I haven't complained up until now. now it's just getting boring. lol NICE MUG!

Teri said...

Man, we never got any snow this year. I wanted some pix.

nancy said...

haha... that is awesome.

and yes an anwer to your quesition he had brain surgery THIS WEEKEND. He is amazing

jen@odbt said...

We had some flurries today too but no accumulation. I'm so over the snow. Bring spring! Thanks for stopping by.

angie said...

I love that mug! I'm still waiting for snow here in Arkansas!

The Mud Bug said...

I feel like that quite often.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way!

Ann said...

Cute cup!

Thanks for stopping by!

Lorina said...

Love the cup! And we are too. I am done with winter!

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Sounds nice! We had a temp of 85 degrees. I would love to have some snow :-(

Cecilia said...

Wow...that's a lot of Snow! Love the cup!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Nice mug, great for a cup of hot chocolate during winter :P

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Ohhhh, I love snowmen, so I *adore* that mug!! I miss snow :(

Simply AnonyMom said...

That cup is GREAT! I want one like it. I will have to make myselfone. Very cute!

Hopefully your snow is light.

Jennifer said...

Fabulous mug!

Felicia said...

Man.. send some snow this way!

Anonymous said...

Oh man!!! I was just thinking today that I am SO done with winter! Come on...summer! I'm just not a cold weather person.

debi9kids said...

OMGosh! WOW! We have had maybe 6 inches all winter and it was melted within a day :(
Sorry you are getting so much!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I will take your inches and trade you the feet we just got!

Aren't you so tired of winter already??? I live in Sunny Southern California - Bring on the sun already!

Cupcake Dessert said...

that mug is so cute!!!!!

Jen said...

Super cute mug!

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