Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome Sitstahood!!

That's right!!! Today I am being featured on that wonderful comment love site: The Secrets in the Sauce !! These wonderful women believe that the secret to success in the blogosphere is support. If you are a Sitsta, you are dedicated to supporting one another by leaving comments. Lots and lots of comments. Here, I have found so many new sites to follow and who follow me. I just love my Sitstas!

For those of you who are new to Susie's Homemade, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Susan (a.k.a. Susie) Ewing. I am a thriving stay-at-home mom of two wonderful girls (5 and 18) and a caretaker of my 67 year old live-in mother. I started this blog to support my chocolate shop on ( Susie's Homemade Chocolate Shop ) but, it has become so much more.

It is here that I explore my adventures in homemaking, baking, cake decorating and gardening. This has lead to competitive baking , writing for other sites and designning other blogs . I am thrilled by all that has come to me over the last year that I have been on line.

The thing that is nearest and dearest to my heart is cake design. When I celebrated my blogoversary, I posted this slide show. I am reposting it here for the benefit of my new readers. This really shows what I am all about.

I love stalkers. Check out my left-side-bar for the many ways you can stalk me in cyberspace! I sure hope that you like what you see here and come back soon:-)


Megan said...

Congrats on being Featured today!!! Well deserved! =D

Crazee Juls said...

just got really, really hungry watching your video! Happy Sits day!

MDtripmom said...

Congratulations on being the featured blogger of the day. It's a little past 2am here and I'm already ready to dive into one of your delectable treats!

Crazee Juls said...

just got really really hungry! That video is delicious!

Ritch in Love said...

Congrats on your Spotlight Day! May the sunshine of the SITSA-hood shine upon you all day and many days to come!!

Crazee Juls said...

I'm bookmarking your site, I'm having an "etsy" giveaway soon...and I'm definitely interested in sending one of my winners some of your treats, yummo!

Blythe said...

Oh my! I just discovered SITS and am pretty excited... but I think I am even more excited by your cakes! While I am a self-described "cake snob" I am certainly not what would call a cake expert. I make quite the chocolate cake, but that's kind of the end of it. However, this snobbery leaves me with great respect for other people's fabulous skills. I'm terribly impressed :)

More Than Words said...

Hi Susie! Congrats on being the featured blogger on SITS!!

Kristen said...

I gained 5 pounds just watching the slideshow! Showing some SITSta love!

TuTu's Bliss said...

Congrats on your feature!! Hugs, Jen

Young Momma said...

Congrats on being featured! Super cute blog! :)

The Farmers Wife said...

Happy SITS day! What wonderful looking creations. I would do anything for cake. Once my bestie and I took a class on base, just cause we found out they served cake at the end of it. Yep, desperate and lazy in one fell swoop. I love your pics of what you made. Cant wait to look around more.

MsTypo said...

Congrats on your SITs day!! Those cakes are amazing!! You're incredibly talented!

Mamarazzi said...

wooo hooo...congrats on your day in the SITStahood sun!

Carebear said...

Hey, congrats on being featured. Your slideshow wouldn't work for me! But I visited your site at Etsy and you're killing me with the cookie dough balls. Whenever I bake cookies, only two thirds of the dough makes it into the oven, LOL! Enjoy your day in the spotlight!

Bethany said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!!! Those cakes and cupcakes look delicious!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Susie
Nice to meet you. Congratulations on being the featured blogger on SITS today. Enjoy your day!

April said...

Morning, Susie!
Congrats on being the FB on SITS today...enjoy your moment in the sun! All of your cakes look incredible...and, oh, so yummy, too!

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm glad I'm the first to tell you happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Over from SITS! Congrats on your feature. Your blog reminds me of my great friend Kendra over at Homegrown Housewife. I look forward to reading the rest of your blog.

Unknown said...

congrats on being Featured!!!! happy thursday, sitstah!!! :) come over to my blog and check out my superawesome SpringGiveaway and my continuing story about conjuring johnny depp... and you can find wenda on my site... she loves my story!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the featured SITS girl today! That's wonderful. My stomach is growling and your site is triggering it!

Kristin said...

This is my first visit you your site and now I'm starving. I will definitely be back again soon to see whats cooking ( or should I say baking). Happy SITS day.

jennykate77 said...

Hey! Over from SITs. Congrats on your site being featured!! You have a really great blog. Off to read more of your posts! :)

Happy Thursday!

Casey's trio said...

Happy SITS day! It's always fun to see a blog I have read before become the featured blogger:)

Marimoy said...

Congratz on being featured today.

Christina Lee said...

What a talent you hahve! Happy SITS day!

Amy said...

Happy SITS day to you. I love to bake also. Thanks for sharing your story to new readers. Have a wonderful day. Great slide show. YUMMY!!!!!!!

Megan said...

Congrats on being the FB today!!!

can we all just say..... YUM!!!!

Jill said...

Congrats on your featured day! Woo hooo!!!!! Oh my... I am going to gain weight just reading your posts! MMMMMMM!

RebeccaMom said...

Congrats on being featured SITSta! I'm headed off to browse around :)

Aunt Julie said...

Look at you, Susie! Nobody deserves this honor more...Make sure to tell all the SITStas what a GREAT redesign job you did on my blog!

Roxane said...

Congrats on being featured today! I look forward to checking out your blog on a daily basis. Have a good one SITSah :)

Melissa B. said...

Suze: Congrats, bloggy friend! I get sooooooooo excited when I see that the SITS Gals have honored one of my cyber-pals. Enjoy your SITS Day in the Sun!

Julie said...

Congrats on being the cakes :)

Amy said...

Happy SITS day !

Shannon said...

Woot! Woot!

Congrats on being in the SITS spotlight today! I always love it when the Featured Blogger is one that I "know" ;)

amy & lisa said...

Congrats on being featured at SITS!

I am pretty new here and I will say it has been fun to "meet" other bloggers. There are alot of really nice people out there.

Your blog is wonderful! I LOVE chocolate so I'll be checking back to see what you are making with it! :)

the n said...

Coming over from sits! Nice to meet you! You'll have to check out my recipe blog sometime! There's a link to it on my regular site!

Debbie said...

Homemade cakes? Yum!!!

Aileigh said...

Happy SITS day! Your cakes look delicious! I will have to check out more recipes! :) Enjoy your day!

Jingle said...

Congrats on your feature! A chocolate shop, huh? may see me around more often! LOL!

Gaspegirl said...

This is not my first visit here ;) I loved the slideshow... you are one creative gal! Congratulations on your day in the SUN... make it a great one!

Alisha said...

Hey from SITS! Those cakes look amazing!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Happy SITS Day! I look forward to getting to know your blog.

Lora said...

Happy Sitsday!

Jen said...

I am so excited to get to get to know you through your blog!! Congrats on being today's featured blog! Hope you have Terrific Thursday!!



Jen said...

I am so excited to get to get to know you through your blog!! Congrats on being today's featured blog! Hope you have Terrific Thursday!!



Debie Napoleon said...

Wow, that video looks delicious....I can only imagine how they must taste. Happy SITS special day! Enjoy...

larkswing said...

Happy SITS day!

Lynn said...

Happy SITS day! After the picture show think I'm going to have to go and bake something yummy!!!!!

Ash said...

Congratulations on your day in the SiTS sun!!

Those cakes! Reminds me I have to get my booty in gear to figure out Lightening McQueen cupcakes - the Youngest's request for his 3rd birthday party.

Think good thoughts - Em

Judy @ In His Grip said...

Have a great day!! Hope it knocks your socks off.

Dina said...

congrats on your sits day!

missy said...

congrats!!!!! on the featured blog!!!!!
loved the slide show!!!!!
how fun!!!! and everything looks sooo yummy!!!!

Beth said...

That's not fair.
I'm on a diet.
And those cakes?? Oh. My. Goodness.

They look delicious! Yum!

April said...

Congratulations for being the featured blog! Everything in the video looks so yummy!

Amanda in GA said...

Congrats on being the FB today.

The iron cupcake looks delish

Julie said...

Congrats on your Sits day. I love your blog!

Dawn said...

Happy SITS day!! congrats! Your cakes are beautiful. I'm going to check out your recipes right now.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

hi there, congratulations on your much deserved feature day over at sits!

Jennifer said...

Yay on your SITS day Susie!! Have fun!!

Heather said...

Hopping over from SITS!
Your treats look really yummy. As someone who loves to bake, but lacks the decorative aspect of the process, I think I'll be stopping by your blog often!

Vickie said...

Congrats on being featured today at SITS.

Your cakes look yummy and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!
Enjoy all the comment love!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Whew hoo! Have a fun SITs Day!

Your cakes look yummy...especially that very first one!

Carrie said...

Congrats on being featured today. I am following you. I just love fellow sweet bakers. :)

Sturgmom said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger today!! WTG!!

Anti-Supermom said...

What a delicious looking Thursday.

Happy day for you (and me)!

Kally said...

Happy SITS day!!!

Wow! Your cake creations are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

Michelle said...

Congrats for being the featured blogger Susie! :)

Kristin said...

Nice to meet you! I've enjoyed looking at your blog and your yummy treats! :)

Shelley said...

Congrats on your being featured today. Enjoy the comment love.
Cute blog.

Call Me Cate said...

Mmmm, such a yummy blog! Congrats on your SITS day!

Jamiedidit said...

Congratulation on being the featured blogger! I've just found SITS.

Now I'm looking forward to your site - no only am I sorta of new to the whole blogging scene, I am new to cooking! I figure there is more to life than pre-made pasta.

Anonymous said...

Amazing cakes-you have some serious talent! Can't wait to try some of your recipes. Happy SITS Day!

jennifersusan said...

Happy SITS Day! Your chocolate looks so yummy!!!

Heather said...

Happy SITS day! Those pictures look fantastic, you are so talented!

Unknown said...

Congrats to being today's FB!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on being featured! Awesome cakes!!!

Alison said...

Congrats on being featured! Your blog is adorable and your cakes...ah...look delicious! :)

SouthernDogwoods said...

Congratulations! You totally deserve it!!!

Tiffany said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the rest of your blog!

shawn said...

Congrats on being Featured today. It's my first time here, I'm a new sitsa. You are very tallented. I've tried to decorate cakes & candies & stuff but Sometimes they are good & other times -oopps...

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

I'm so excited for you!

Have a wicked day!

Marrdy said...

Congrats on your SITS day. I reconginze your picture from rollcall.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your day in the SITSlight!!!

Frenzymom said...

Happy SITS Day!! I'm getting really hungry now.

Wanda said...

Well yay for you on being featured on SITS today. Woohoo!
You have a sweet blog here. Your stuff looks yummy!

Reeni said...

Came over to say hi from SITS. And I'm so glad I did. What gorgeous cakes!!

Julie H said...

Happy Sits day!

Leah said...

Happy SITS day! :)

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Mmmmmm....BlogBaby love cupcakes!

Can you ship to Canada??

I am sooo drooling right now...embarassing!


Pseudo said...

I love blogs that post recipes. I'm going to snoop around. And I recognize your photo. I've seen you around the internet.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I've heard about your blog here and there, but it wasn't until you were the featured Sitsta today that I finally got over here to check it out.

I LOVE your blog! You are so talented and adorable. I'll be sure to visit often!

Allison said...

Happy SITS Day! Love the cake...I made something similar in college for my best friend, who loves sunflowers!

Bethany said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! Your blog makes me hungry! :)

Kathy B! said...

Congrats on your Feature!!

Your cakes are beautiful. I try very hard nut nothing ever comes out looking as nice as yours!!

Brittany said...

Happy SITS day!!! :)

You have some yummy looking goodies on your cute blog!

Chandy said...

Beautiful! Congratulations on being featured today! All of your three posts are awesome reads!

Happy SITS day...

Carolyn of What Now? Tablescapes

Anonymous said...

SITS is great isn't it.

Congrats on your big day today.

Jen said...

Oh Susie, I am so happy for you and your day in the spotlight! Enjoy every single minute!

Summer said...

Congrats Saucy Mama!!! Now I need to celebrate for you with one of those cakes!!!

Tara said...

You had me at Chocolate! I think we're best friends!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I am offically hungry. And PMSing to boot....yikes! Chocolate!

Love your blog!

Laura said...

Congrats on your super fun day! Enjoy it!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I loved looking at your slide show. So many yummy cakes. . .

Star Forbis said...

Cute Blog. Enjoy your day.

Lisa said...

Happy SITSa Day! Love your cakes!

This Mom said...

WOW Sits and a Carrie FAVE all in one day.

It has been a while since I stopped by LOVE the make over.

HAppy DAY!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from over at SITS. I'll be back to check out your recipes.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Hope you have fun...and that video is just delicious :)

The Mathews Family said...

Congrats to you!

Lynda said...

Congrats on being our Saucy SITSa today! If I hadn't just had a great big lunch, I would be starving just looking at your wonderful creations!

Tina said...

Dontcha just love SITS? Congrats on your day! I'm off to cruise your site some more...

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Congrats on being FB of the day! Your chocolates look yummy & great cake designs!

Alexa said...

seriously happy sits day! but really- I need some YUMMY cakes now... and seriously I got a super sweet tooth checking out your video! Have a fun day!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I am hungry now! Those coffee cupcakes sound divine! I love them in the mug! Happy SITS day!

theUngourmet said...

It is nice to meet you! I will be sure to check out your shop! Have a great day!

Jen Sue Wild said...

congrats on being sausy!
I love your blog and yummys on it>>

DESJ and Company said...

Congratson your sits day!

Unknown said...

Sheesh, now I totally need some chocolate and I've run out of the stash in my desk @ work!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger today!!!! Have a great day, you deserve it! :)

Courtney said...

mmm, now im hungry!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the feature! Look forward to browsing your blog!

Arlette said...

Hello Susie

Congratulation on being the featured blogger.. Enjoy the day....
and i have to say, your cakes are
so yummy oh God totally sinful delicious

Brooke said...

i have to say that incredibly jealous of people who make desserts without catching their kitchen on fire.

happy sits day!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Oh I love the cakes especially the spider one! Awesome! Congrats on being featured blogger. :)

MyLinda said...

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured blogger!

Pat said...

happy sits day!

RamblingMother said...

Happy SITS day!

Librarian or Teacher said...

Stopping in from SITS. Cute blog!

Valerie said...

Wanted to congratulate you on being featured on SITS. Hope you have a great SITS day!

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Congrats on being FB at SITS. You have such amazing stuff!!

debi9kids said...

OOOOH! I didn't even realize it was your day until i just clicked on your blog to read today!
Enjoy your day Susie!!!!

ps I might have a fundraiser idea to ask of you.....

Leslie said...

Enjoy your SITS day!

Suzi said...

Congrats on being featured today. Lovin' the slide show. Looks so good. Don't mind me while I snoop around to see what els ya got.

Rachel Ann said...

Congrats on being a SAUCY blog...enjoy your day!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok... now I want chocolate!

Congrats on being featured!

Porters said...

Nice cakes! I enjoy decorating cakes too! I make my kids birthday cakes. I would like to take a class to become more professional though! Congratulations!

dawn said...

just joined sits today and found your blog! i am so excited - i am always looking for some new recipes!! fun!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Congrats on being Featured today! Everything looks so yummy! :)

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, this made me hungry!Wonder if I have any chocolate in the pantry . . .

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I had no idea that we would be coming here and drooling. I forgot to bring towels!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! I'm ready for a snack now! Congrats on being featured! I just founds SITS and am so excited to get started!
Have a great weekend!

Alicia said...

Congrats on being Featured today!

Nana said...

Everything looks great. Congratulations on your big day.

angie said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I'm a little late - Hope you enjoyed it!

Kelli said...

WOW! You have some amazing stuff! (SITSta)

bernthis said...

Found you through SITS. That spider cake is literally amazing.Congrats on being featured.

Kebi Cedawna said...

Great slideshow, I love the small yellow upside down cake. It kindof looks like it's supposed to be fruit with a stem on it. Neat idea

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Congrats!! And holy taledo that's alot of comments

Cassie said...

Ok so now I'm starving and only something sweet is gonna do. Your blog is adorable. Congrats on the SITS feature !!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured, so exciting!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I'm late, I'm late...I hope you are still ready for visitors:) Congrats on being saucy! I love to bake so I am going to stalk you FOR SURE...

Maridith said...

Congrats on being featured and your cakes are beautiful. If they look delicious!! You are a wonderful artist. Maridith

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I love this blog, well done on being featured. Am going to have mroe of a look around. :)

I was caretaker for my mother too, so we have something in common. :)

QueenBeeing said...

Congrats on the feature! You totally deserve it. Great video too!! :)

Debra said...

I love hungry now. HaHa Support is the looks of these comments, you have tons of support! Add me to the list. ....congrats.

LucieP said...

yummy slide show!
It makes me wanna go home and bake and use my spring form

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