Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What I Did This Weekend


More Than Words said...

How cool! Did you go to the car races??

Sara Elizabeth said...

Neato! I am not sure what that means (driving the mile), but sounds cool. Looks like racing? Did you race?

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Wow! I'd love to do that - Lucky!!!

Susan Cook said...

Wow! Cool. Sounds like fun. Happy WW!

Brimful Curiosities said...

My husband would be jealous.

Amy said...

What fun. Was is pretty loud?

Grace @ Sandier Pastures said...

So you like fast cars? Brave lady!

Thanks for dropping by my WW earlier.

Brittany said...

Did you go to the races or actually drive? Either way...I'm jealous! Have a great Wednesday!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Awesome! I would love to do that!

Jen said...


The Blonde Duck said...

Did you really drive it?

Kathy B! said...

Seriously?! That is so awesome. What an achievement!!

Staci A said...

Looks exciting!

Auntie E said...

Did you ride or drive? Either way in that car must of been great! I used to be sitting in the Ambulance on the medium.

Unknown said...

That's awesome!!!! Happy WW.

Unknown said...

WOW sounds like a lot of fun!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, how cool!

Jennifer said...

I'm too dumb to know what this means!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!!!! :)

Michelle said...

Ok, does that mean you rode in a race car???

Controlling My Chaos said...

Ooh, that sounds like fun.

Casey's trio said...


Carebear said...

AWESOME!!! I am jealous!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


I hope you don't suffer withdrawal while driving on the public streets and highways, again. Now, back to reality; up to 65mph is the limit.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

cat said...

You'll have to explain a bit more for me - you know, the girl from far far away land. But if you got to drive a race car - wow! I'd love to (I think)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oooh, that sounds like a blast! :D Hope you had ear muffs! :D

sunnymama said...

That sounds cool!

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