Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Table

It's time for Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom . This week, I tackled our Thanksgiving table. I started with a great centerpiece from Pick N Save:

Thanksgiving Centerpiece 2009
$9.99?? Can't beat that!

I chose golds and oranges this year:
Thanksgiving Table 2009
Do you recognize these cookies?

And last but not least, candlelight:

Thanksgiving Candlelight 2009
Beautiful, right?


Just a conservative girl said...

What a beautiful table. I can't do things like this for Thanksgiving. We have a huge crowd, so it is more like a buffet. I wish I could make mine this decorative.

I hope you have a happy turkey day.

More Than Words said...

Yes it is!!!!

MsTypo said...

Your table looks great. A lovely way to highlight what is sure to be a fabulous meal. :)

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful! It looks so great :-) happy early thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

It is so simple yet so elegant, thanks for sharing.


Shannon said...

Very elegant!

mommytoalot said...

Beautiful indeed! I am working on something special for our Christmas dinner that I am hosting. Can you believe I never have ever..*embarrased here* ever set a fancy table for a holiday dinner. My mom never did with 8 kids and company ...so i just never really thought about it..however I have been to people's houses who do. I am going to surprise my family this year.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Amy said...

Looks nice and amazing. I love how the orange is really brought in with all of the candle light.

Bettina said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS, love the color combo!

And how could I go to Sprinkles and NOT think of you :)

Anonymous said...

Love your site!! Thanks for finding me so that I could find you!! I am down right hungry right now and I just ate!! I's so following you now!! :-)

Mandee said...

Very nice!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog http://raisingmy4sons.com

I'm following you now as well. :)

mommakin said...

Yep! Sure is!

Anonymous said...


Momfever said...

It looks lovely! I especially like the warm colors.

Holly said...

Soooo pretty! I'm impressed.

Liz Mays said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I would so enjoy that setting!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Gorgeous! And I just love those cookies. :)

Melissa B. said...

So lovely! I'm just now focusing on a centerpiece for the dining room table. I'm going to have to throw something together, because I just now finished grading papers!

Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said...

You set a beautiful table! Thank you for following my blog. I am now following you too!


JoAnna said...

Very nice:) I am a follower now...thanks for stopping by my blog:)) Have a great thanksgiving!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Gorgeous my friend. I'm inspired!!
Have a great Thanksgiving!!

EmmaP said...

Goh-Jus, Dahling... Just Goh-Jus!

Dominique said...

That's a beautiful table setting. Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. that's absolutely amazing.

Noticed your follow today, thought I would pop over for a visit.
What a great site! Love it ;)

Jennifer said...

Very beautiful Susie!! Well done!!

Jennifer Ortiz said...

how nice!

Anonymous said...

Your table looked soooo pretty. I never get so fancy - maybe when my kids get a teeny bit older...or at least that's my excuse ;)
Your turkey looked fabulous too!!!

Lori said...

Wow. What a beautiful table setting!

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