Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Grilled Strawberry Short Cupcake

Monday, I competed in the Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Tailgate Challenge. We were given the task of coming up with a cupcake that represents tailgating to you. Here is my submission:

Grilled Strawberry Short Cupcake
Grilled Sponge Cake
Dipped in Strawberry Syrup
Topped with Whipped Cream
Garnished with Fresh Strawberries and Mint

Grilled Strawberry Shortcupcake
Since I just took my older daughter back to the University of Wisconsin: Madison, my presentation was all about Badgers. I love that you can see the arch of the Hoan Bridge behind us! It's a Milwaukee landmark that leads you to the neighborhood I grew up in so, I thought it was really fitting:-)

I didn't win but with a view like this, I didn't mind at all:


More Than Words said...

Oh, that is so cool, Susie!!

And by the way..who gets to eat all of those?

Brimful Curiosities said...

Your cupcakes look awesome. How could the red and white theme not win...maybe if the competition had been in Madison?

Unknown said...

Those look delectable. Yum!

tiarastantrums said...

SO awesome!!

Jana said...

I think you did an awesome job! WOW no kidding what a view!

Happy WW!

Tina said...

You had me at "cupcakes".

Candi said...

YUM! What a great idea! And the view is awesome!

Jen said...

Those look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You would have had my vote. These look wonderful. Stopping from SITS!

The Blonde Duck said...

Oh God. Tailgates mean football is coming.

Liz Mays said...

I love everything about it!

Melissa B. said...

I think you need to collaborate with those chicas from Georgetown Cupcakes on TLC. What say you?

Carrie said...

They were so good! Nice to see you again! I love it when it's at DW! I MUST try to grill cupcakes soon - so yummy!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Yum! Those look divine!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Oh, wow! How cool is that!

claudie said...

and I thought you guys ROCKED in the cheese category lol?
I grilled lemon pound cake for the first time last week. Topped it with strawberry ice cream and fresh strawberries. Your cupcakes look great.
Happy Weekend
Love Claudie from Canada

Amanda and Katie said...

Those look so good!! I could eat some right now. Stopping by from Best Posts of the Week.

Meri said...

Those are amazing. So how could the winner have done a better job? Must be politics.

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