Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall is in the Air

Fall IS in the air...and everywhere:

I love how my old fall decorations look next to our newly decorated walls!


Frizzy said...

I love fall! I plan on decorating our house this weekend. Love that wreath!

Anonymous said...

The wreath looks perfect on this wall. Happy Fall!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Those fall decorations look perfect against your newly decorated walls! I love fall - I'm anxious to start decorating for it myself! :)

WW: Why I Like Kids

Jen said...

Nom Nom! Fall!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty wreath...and wall too! :) I LOVE Fall!

Cascia Talbert said...

Your fall decorations are beautiful!

Stylist A said...

so pretty. that reminds me. I should really put up my fall wreath :) happy WW

The Blonde Duck said...

I wish it was fall weather here!

Candi said...

I love Fall! And I love that wreath!

Amy said...

Yes fall is in the air. I love your decorations.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Yes, it is! Love your wreath! :)

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