Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pecan Pie Gone Wrong

What do you do when your pecan pie goes this wrong? Make ice cream topping:-)
Playing along with Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom and Wordful Wednesday on parenting By dummies:-)


Liz Mays said...

At least it didn't go to waste!

Jolene said...

Great idea on how to salvage part of the pie!

Debbie said...

You, my dear, are brilliant! This has happened to me more times than I care to remember but I was never smart enough to think of ice cream topping.

Jen said...

Either way, I would totally eat it.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!! That happened with an apple pie I made not too long ago. I tried to go from memory, and it was more like apple soup with pie crust on top. LOL

Thanks for the visit on my special SITS day on Monday! I’m still working my way around to meet on the new faces. It’s my favorite part.

I like your blog, and I'm a new follower. :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I've never made pecan pie, but I think I'd cry. I do not like to put effort into something and not have it turn out.

Bettina said...

I bet it still tasted YUMMY!!!

Candi said...

I hate when that happens!!! But you're right, it makes delicious ice cream topping!

Samantha said...

I love finding ways to salvage food items that have "gone wrong." So much better than wasting! That was brilliant what you did; I probably wouldn't have thought of it!

debi9kids said...

Great save!
Pecan pie is SO hard! I have only once successfully made one. ugh.

heidi said...

Woot! So glad to see a pro have a baking fail. Makes me feel less..uhm...failurish. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I made a sugar free pecan pie once, believe me - there was NO saving it! It was AWFUL.

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