Monday, January 7, 2008

Nesting in the New Year

With the New Year upon us, resolutions are common. I don't make resolutions anymore. For me, it is a recipe for failure. I have however been nesting. Over the weekend, I cleaned out our basement. There is nothing quite like the feeling you get from purging the old to make room for the new. It was something that I have been intending to do for a while and finally got around to. It feels great!

That is good because, as a self-proclaimed pyscho gardener, I have allready visited Steins. I bought seed starter to get my light table going and potting soil to repot my house plants. With the weather today (thunderstorms and tornados in January?), I feel closer to spring then ever. I even have my tulips forcing so they will be open for Easter. Like I said, pyscho but very zen for me.

In addition, to the gardening, I have 2 more cakes to make this month. One is for my mother-in-law's birthday and the other is for Daniella's birthday. And, since my first wedding cake was such a success, I am making an anniversary cake for my in-law's 50 wedding anniversary this summer. Not to mention, Cassi's graduation cake. Wow!!! I am going to be really busy:-)

Anyway, I hope that everyone else is as excited about 2008 as I am. After last year's nightmare, it is nice to have a positive outlook.

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