Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am a Momtrepreneur! It's an actual term and I am one. I was watching The Morning Blend (a local talk show) this morning and they ran a segment about this new phenomena. A lot of moms across the country are taking that idea they have had for years and putting it to good use in an entrepreneural venture. I even looked it up on Google and found this site: so, it is a definitely a thing and its out there:-)

Part of being a Momtrepreneur is the desire to connect and interact with other moms. Being a mom is such a hard endeavor and I think it is natural to seek help for success and to want to help other moms to be successful. To that regard, I have joined a lot of "Mom" groups. My favorite so far is Fabulous Artistic Moms. I have had such a warm welcome and I would love to share the love. If you are a Fabulous Artist Mom, send me your email address and I will send you an invite to join.

As a personal note, I have posted some new items in my shop. So, come and take a look at my new caramel bars and Mother's Day Special:-)

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