Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me:-)

My birthday was May 28th however, I have been so busy celebrating, I haven't had a chance to blog.
First, we had a party with my in-laws. I made this cake. I took a page from Martha Stewart to make this one. In her Year of Cakes, she made Peanutbutter Cookie Cupcakes. Well, I just took that and converted it into a cake. It was peanutty with a tangy creamcheese frosting. Yummo!

Then, on my actual birthday, I am embarassed to say, bought a cheesecake. I know, I know...I spend the whole year making cakes and goodies for everyone and on my birthday...I purchase. In my defense, I was really sick the weekend before but still...I will have to do better next year.

Next, Jeff and I celebrated our 5th anniversary and since we are foodies, we went out and tried Mr. B's Steakhouse. The whole meal was fantastic but the dessert (of course) is what caught my eye. I had a flourless chocolate cake with a raspberry sauce and a chocolate gelato. I am not a big berry person because I don't like mushy berries but these raspberries were perfect. They were cooked just enough to give off their juices but they retained their shape. Just beautiful. And the presentation was unique. Each piece was set on a rectangular platter like a work of art. I am definitely going to have to recreate this for some occassion very, very soon.

Lastly, my oldest daughter graduated from high school this weekend. The celebration was really special and her party is coming up at the end of the month. I am doing a spanish theme (paella and tapas) to highlight her minor in college. And dessert, is going to be a chocolate mocha cake to foreshadow all the caffine she will need for those all-nighters at Madison. I will be happy to report the outcome of this event early next month.

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