Monday, July 21, 2008

Pomegranate Mango Champagne Cocktail

I am adding a new feature to my blog. After entertaining or contributing food or drink to a party, I will write about what went right and/or what went wrong and what I would never do again and/or what I would totally do every time. Since I just threw a party this weekend, I will start with that.

As I mentioned in my previous, the 20th high school reunion party went really well but, there is always room for improvement. One area is my bar tending skills. I made Pomegranate Mango Champagne Cocktails however, I made a huge mess making them and they were kind of pusty. So, in the future, I am going to serve them as a toasting beverage and then offer lower maintenance beverages for the remainder of the party.

Another goal I have is to publish at least one new recipe a week (Thanks Sydney for the inspiration on that one:-). So here is the recipe for the Pomegranate Mango Champagne Cocktail that I served this weekend:
1 glass of your favorite champagne or sparkling wine
1 oz of pomegranate juice
splash of Rose's Cocktail Infusions Mango Twist Mix or any Mango liquor

1. Pour champagne into a champagne flute.
2. Add pomegranate juice and the Mango Mix.
3. Garnish with fruit skewers as desired and enjoy.


  1. Thanks for the cute post on my blog today. That was so nice of you. It was so fun to be a saucy girl for the day!

  2. Yum. I am going to try this on Christmas. Thanks. I was looking for something.
