Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's an Election Year and I Need Your Votes!

It's time to vote!! The inaugural Iron Cupcake: Earth is under way. This is my entry (Fiery Devil Cupcake) and I NEED your votes.

Go to left side column of Nobody Puts Cupcake in a Corner , scroll down to Susie's Homemade and vote, vote vote for me:-)


  1. I voted for you! There are a lot of cupcakes in that challenge. And made with spicy stuff? I just can't imagine!

  2. I voted, but now I need to register a complaint with the voting commission.

    Why so we not have laptop based replicators so we can instantly try the yumminess?

    Holy, well, cupcakes, those look good!

  3. Hey, Susie! I voted for you! Good luck! I'm trying hard to imagine a chili flavor in my cupcake...

  4. I just cast my vote for you! Good luck!

    These look delicious!

  5. I'm totally volunteering myself to be a taste tester, if ever you think you might need an extra one. That looks delicious!

  6. that looks like an awesome cupcake, I so want to try it. I will vote for you!!

  7. I voted for you. Good luck!!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by to check on me! I agree that people who are told to leave need to listen!! We just got our first bit of rain a few minutes ago, so here we go!!

  9. You rub my back, I rub yours :)

    Voted for ya!!

  10. I've voted for you! Good luck and let me know how you do.
