Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What I Packed for Lunch

It's my youngest daughter's first day of preschool today. Instead of posting a picture of her, I decided that as resident foodie, I should post what I packed in her first lunch.

With this being her first day, I went completely traditional: a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, apple sauce and juice. Pure, simple and it is the most likely to be consumed among the excitement that is preschool.

Also, I have chocolate chip cookies and milk waiting for her to get home. It is so June Cleaver of me but, it has been a dream of mine and I got to do it today:-)

I love you Baby, congratulations on your first day in the real world. I missed you like crazy! And you were:


  1. Yum! I love the lunch:) I have two daughters 14 and 11. I remember the first day of much fun.

    I hope you both have a great day!


  2. Awww! First day of preschool!


    It's about that time around here too. TheBoy is still too young, but the school across the street has been hopping all day.

  3. What a great lunch. Gert wants SO BADLY to take her lunch to school... but Im a lazy mom and just do the school lunch thing.. argh...

  4. Awww! Adorable princess lunch box!

    I pack my boys the same lunch day after day...and they love it. I try to change things up, but they prefer the same old.

    Turkey sandwich, little chip packet, juice and either strawberry applesauce for one child or grapes for the other. lol

  5. How wonderful. That first day of school is so exciting and a little scary. I hope she did well.

    Good lunch! Great after school snack...I love chocolate chip cookies.

  6. Neither of my girls will eat peanut butter and jelly. I don't know what is wrong with them. They are so strange. And my youngest doesn't like peanuts at all. We had some icecream once with chocolate covered peanuts in it. And I'd find those peanuts where ever she had decided to eat. She'd just spit them out.

  7. Perfect lunch! Yummy!

    Can't wait to hear how her first day of preschool went!

  8. Awwww, the FIRST lunch. It's a big day!

  9. I like this post! What a cute, sweet, lunch. And thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again soon!

  10. I like this post! What a cute, sweet, lunch. And thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope to see you again soon!

  11. Awww....that is sooo sweet! You even cut up her sandwich for her. Her friends will be jealous....mine always were.

  12. awww. I'm loving getting to read everyone's first day of school posts.

  13. awwww! how sweet! i am sure she had a wonderful first day of school! (and of course, first day coming home -- to wonderful cookies!)

  14. How funny, we share the same fantasy. I've always wanted to have warm cookies waiting for my kids when they get off the bus. I did just that today, except in my fantasy it's snowing like crazy. It's a little early for that yet, so I'll just have to do it again. :)

  15. you are such a good mom. cookies and milk when she gets home. I want to come home to your house.

  16. That's a perfect lunch! And an even better snack!

  17. That is so sweet. Your a good mom.

  18. My youngest just started Kindergarten... she's such a picky eater; she has yet to buy a lunch @ school. I've packed either PB (no jelly) or chicken nuggets for her every. single. day! But that's all she wants! Oh, well.

    Hope the first day went well!

  19. Oh how super sweet! Love the lunch box:) My mother always had a yummy snack waiting for me - just like that:)

  20. You are way too cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! ;)

  21. So cute! And btw, I keep a loaf of bread at work with PB & J in the fridge, for those times I can't get out for lunch! I still love it! (But it's gotta be good bread!)

  22. Did you know they make little plastic sandwich keepers that match that lunchbag perfectly? I think I got them at Target for $1.00 each. I couldn't resist as they were too cute. May I add you to my blog roll?

  23. It is something - that first day. I don't look forward to my baby girl's going to be so hard.

    My kids come home everyday & have a snack - mostly cookies, too. Maybe I have a bit of June Cleaver in me? (I am so not June Cleaver, but it's a nice thought..hee).
