Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Tables

Before I get into the holiday review, I wanted to let you know that there is a sale over at Susie's Homemade Chocolate Shop !!!!!

Today through Monday, all items are a dollar off!! And, if you let me know that you are a faithful reader of my blog, I will take an extra $1 off the shipping costs too!! That's right!! 6 delicious Cookie Dough Balls nestled in a beautiful package for $13 (that includes shipping)!! So, stock up for those gifts for hostesses, teachers, mail carriers, hair stylists and anyone else on your shopping list:-)

Now that that's out of the's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-) I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! We sure had a great holiday and here is a picture of our table. Doesn't that look inviting?

If you look really closely, you will see that I included some of my youngest's artwork from preschool on the table:-)


  1. Beautiful!!

    LOL, Susie, when I went to the grocery store, I had my list of what to buy for my turkey. Anywho, on my list I wrote BAY LEAVES, but when I took it out of the fridge today, it said BASIL on the plastic container!!!! I ended up doing butter, salt, pepper, and then stuffed it w/ onion, garlic, carrot, and celery. It came out yummy, but next time, I'll make sure to get the right stuff!!

  2. Wow so fancy...DH grandma had out the nice silver...then we used paper plates, and the regular every day glasses...hmmm...a little elegant mix I guess.

  3. Your table is beautiful! Very classy!

  4. What a beautiful table! I hope you had a lovely holiday with your family!
    I was just telling my husband I wanted to buy some of your chocolates... now I'll defonitely have to make sure I do it ;)
    Happy Friday!

  5. Your table settings look absolutely beautiful! Martha Stewart's got nothing on you. Great post!!

  6. what a lovely table. Martha has nothing on you.

  7. Great table set up! I am all about the presentation.

  8. Beautiful table Susie!! Would almost hate to ruin it by eating!!

  9. Susie, LOVE the setup, you make Martha Stewart proud (and a little jealous!)
    Off to go check out your sale!

  10. Ooooh, what a beautiful table. And I love the artwork.

  11. I love the table setting and I absolutely love the pumpkin with the flowers in them. We had a good Thanksgiving and hope you had a good one as well.

  12. That looks beautiful!!! I love how detailed you are!!!

  13. I did have a nice Thanksgiving... glad to hear you did, too!

    Your table looks lovely!

  14. That's a lovely table :) Makes me want to stay for dinner!

  15. It looks lovely! I am glad you had such a nice day!

  16. Your table and centerpieces are so beautiful. Can you believe I didn't get a picture of mine before it was demolished by the hungry crowd?! Of all the things I wanted a picture of that was it. Oh well, there's always next year.

  17. You did an amazing job as always!

  18. what a beautiful table. I hope that you had a GREAT holiday.

  19. You sure do set a pretty table. Absolutely LOVE the china! Hope you and yours had a Terrific Turkey Day!

  20. My Mom always took pictures of her place-settings on festive occasions. Yours is particularly fetching! BTW, don't forget to tune in to Sx3 today...we've got the Holiday Spirit!

  21. If I lived in the US I'd buy so many things from you, but alas...

  22. Great table presentation!!!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Your tabled looked great!! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!! :)
