Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa's Bag Cupcakes

This week was Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee's Christmas Challenge . We were to create cupcakes that look, taste or are inspired by the holiday season. This is my entry: Santa's Bag Cupcakes.

Santa's Bag is a cherry red velvet cupcake with
white peppermint "fringe",
a cherry licorice tie and
white chocolate gifts.


Controlling My Chaos said...

Yum-o, as usual.

cherry said...

HOLLLLLLLLLLy smoley that is cute. Was it hard to do? I would love to try something like that but am very intimidated. cherry

Aunt Julie said...

Wow...almost too pretty to eat! And I'll bet delish, too!! Hey, I "quoted" you and gave ya a Shout Out today at my place. Packers post. Rebuilding year. Hmmmmmm...should we dump Ted Thompson or Mike McCarthy?

Andrea said...

Those are fantastic! You are so creative!! :)

My tackle was making Penuche: http://chocolatefingerprints.net/?p=776

More Than Words said...

Ya know, I just love looking at everything you do!! It's such an art!!!!! You totally rock, Susie!!!!!

Maddy said...

Ooo good for you. I think that would be very popular around here.
Best wishes

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Adorable, Susie!! Great job!

Frizzy said...

I love love love RED VELVET CAKE! It's my FAV! Good luck on the competition. I so would vote for you on the type of cake alone. Then, you add such a cute theme and beautiful decorations. You should knock the competition out of the park!

Amy said...

That is SO cute :D

Anonymous said...

Okay that is too cute! I love it! So creative!

Jena Webber said...

Yikes! Look out Martha Stewart; she's got competition! Do you really allow people to eat them?

Charlotte said...

I think that may be the cutest cupcake I have ever seen. Hope you win!

Tiffers said...

OMG! They are GORGEOUS! Almost too pretty to eat...ALMOST!!! ;)

Shannon said...


These are definitely edible art... so cool!

brettinsky said...

Super cute!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is awesome!

Jen said...

Wow! Do you know how amazingly talented you are? You should open a bakery or something, seriously.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


I second the opening a bakery idea!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Oh my! That is just darling!

Prairie Girl said...

Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

That is an AMAZING tackle! So very cute! So cute in fact I'd almost have difficulty eating it if I were you. Almost :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I didn't even realize it was a cupcake at first.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

That is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jennifer

Bettina said...

Too cute! But I would eat it without a second thought :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I just have ONE word. WOW.

Teri said...

That is such a cute idea. I love it!

Donetta said...

That is so adorable! Look at all that! My word. Your group of women were busy!

Anonymous said...

OM Goodness how cute! Did you win? Or is it just a personal challenge, either way great job!

Jennifer said...

So very creative--and it sounds delicious too!

Liz said...

What a spectacular cupcake! Wish I could've seen it in person (and tasted it!). See you in January for 2009 IC matches!

Rhea said...

That is the cutest cupcake idea I've ever seen!! LOVE it.

Robyn said...

How creative!!! Love this idea

Unknown said...

You are very talented, Sue, and this is one of the most beautiful things I've seen you create so far! You should have taken first...did I mention red velvet is my favorite? hint, hint!

Jen said...

I know I've said it before, but you've got such a talent! I couldn't even dream of making something like that! It looks wonderful!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest cupcake! I love it!! Glad you linked it up today.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

That is so cool! You are so very talented. WOW!

krissy said...

Yum, your food always looks so good. Those cupcakes are gorgeous!

Jenners said...

Visiting from BPOTW...

This is like the Food Network Challenge! We love that show! I think you did a great job! I would hate to eat one though!

Anonymous said...

That's not just a cupcake, it's a work of art! Very creative! Thanks for sharing.

Creative Cupcake Recipes said...

What a gorgeous cupcake.

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