Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Organizing the Storage Area

Every year, my storage area gets out of control. After school starts, you have 3 major holidays one after the other. We are always digging something out of there and nothing ever gets put back in the right spot. So, we took the time this weekend to put it back together. My before pictures didn't turn out but here are the afters:

This is our short term storage.

And this is Christmas and long term storage.


  1. It looks clean and organized. I know the feeling when it's all done. I know how it is with things not getting put back.

  2. Wow, I like your storage area. It looks so tidy.

  3. Great job my friend. I want a basement. Everything gets so hot in the attic in Florida.
    But if we tried to dig a basement we'd end up with a swimming pool lol.

  4. Great tackle and I would love to have a basement to store things in too!

  5. I love your shelves.

  6. Looks amazing! My storage is a pile of unidentifiable cardboard boxes in the basement. It's been on my to-do list for a while.

  7. It only took you a weekend! I would take me a month of Sundays.
    Best wishes

  8. That's a lot of storage area. I've got storage under my stairs and that's about it...

  9. From an organizing nut, I would say: yeah yeah yeah!!! I love starting off the new year with a clean storage area.

  10. Ok, even your storage looks is organized. I used to be like this. Can't seem to get a handle on it now. UGH! I dream of my storage looking like yours. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Be safe tomorrow night! I saw a lady on Food Network Competing that reminded me of you.

  11. Great storage area and it looks wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!

  12. Good job! I'm proud to say that I conquered my storage area recently--it was a nightmare, but I did it!!

  13. You look very organized! I need to get more containers and label those suckers!

  14. My basement is on the "to do" list for 2009. Of course, it's on the list every year, and do you think we ever get to it? We can only hope! Here's to you and yours Having the Happiest of New Years!

  15. You know, I've been off for 2 weeks, and haven't organized a thing! Oh, well, the best laid plans, right? Hope you had a fabulous New Year's Eve, and here's to a wonderful 2009!

  16. Wow! Very organized and clean looking! I would've loved to have seen the befores :)

    PS Your chocolates are very yummy!!!!

  17. Wow! Very organized and clean looking! I would've loved to have seen the befores :)

    PS Your chocolates are very yummy!!!!

  18. Looks wonderful!!

    Looking forward to working with you at H2B@H! :D

  19. Wow what nice storage you have...love that! And now so nice and clean and organized...giving you a pat on the back! :)
