Monday, January 12, 2009

Raspberry Cheesecake

I don't know what happens in April in this family but a third of them have birthdays in January. Grandpa, Grandma, 2 nieces, 2 nephews and my brother all celebrate their birth this month. To keep the festivities manageable, my husband's side of the family have one big party. Of course, I bring dessert. I took a poll at Christmas and the vote resulted in my Pecan Pie and Raspberry Cheesecake.

It wasn't clear whether they wanted raspberries in the cheesecake itself or regular cheesecake with raspberry sauce. So, I make a cheesecake with both. Here's the recipe:

Raspberry Cheesecake
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
3 tbls butter
4-8oz. pkgs cream cheese
1-8oz. pkg raspberry cream cheese*
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp flour
1 tbsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
6 oz. fresh raspberries
6 oz. raspberry preserves

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix crumbs and butter in a small bowl. Press firmly into a 9-inch springform pan. Chill.

2. Beat cream cheeses, sugar, flour and vanilla until well blended. Add eggs one at a time on low it is incorporated. Fold in sour cream.

3. Pour cream cheese mixture over crust. Wrap the bottom and the sides of the pan in aluminum foil. Place this in a roasting pan. Fill the roasting pan with boiling water until it is half-way up the springform pan.

4. Bake for 65 to 70 minutes or until center is almost set. Turn off the oven and let the cake sit inside with the door ajar for 30 minutes. Then, cool on a wire rack for 1 hour. Wrap the top of the cake in aluminum foil and chill for at least 4 hours but overnight is best.

5. Melt the preserves in a small sauce pan. Arrange the raspberries around the edge of the cake. Spread the raspberry sauce in the middle of the arranged raspberries and chill.

*If you want a more robust raspberry flavor, substitute some of the regular cream cheese with more raspberry cream cheese. You can also make a Strawberry Cheesecake by using strawberry preserves and strawberries instead of raspberries. Both are perfect for Valentines Day.


  1. This looks sooooooooo delish...I'm going to have to try it! Congrats to you on the Pop'rs Giveaway win!! Uncle Lynn was so excited when a fellow Wisconsin blogger's name came up on the Random Generator's list!

  2. susie! I should learn by now *NEVER* to check out your blog when I am hungry. My appetite has quickly escalated from hunger to *STAR-HAR-HAR-VING*.

    looks yummy. I may put this on my Easter menu. Thanks! :)

  3. This dessert looks great!!! I LOVE cheesecake.

    Ok, I don't know what goes on in your family in April....but I'm thinking I know what's going on somewhere between July and August.....hahahaha

  4. Yummy! Happy Birthday to your family. If I were them I think I'd figure out how to get you to make a cake for each person so I wouldn't have to share. HEHEHEHE!

  5. that is simply beautiful and I am sure it is so yummy!

  6. This is certainly To Die For, I'm POSITIVE! And I've just started "counting my calories," as they say. Hmmmmmmmmmm...this is a debate I'll have to have with myself, I suppose. And congrats on your Pop'rs Win...they're really an awesome product!

  7. Oh my gosh, I think just gained 10 pounds looking at that thing! It looks amazing!

  8. Just in time.

    I was given a shiny new set of springform pans this weekend, and I've always wanted to try making cheesecake from scratch!

  9. Oh yum! Your cheesecake recipe is very similar to mine, although i have never thought to try flavored cream cheeses. YUM!!!!
    (I think i gained 5 lbs just reading this... LOL)

  10. That looks soooo delicious!!! I agree with Hippie Family, your blog is bad for my weight loss journey!!

    But, that's ok!! I can dabble occasionally!

  11. Yummy--thank you for the recipe. My husband would absolutely love this!

  12. OMGosh girl that looks good! I am going to take down this recipe and impress my family with it. It is such a beautiful cake.

    My family has a ton of bday's in January too...So I feel ya. Happy Monday and soon to be Tuesday

  13. This also looks amazing. Gosh you are clever!!! I hope you go far and write books and get your own TV show or whatever your dreams are!

  14. Looks delicious! Thanks so much for the recipe... my family loves cheesecake, so we'll definitely have to try it out!

  15. I agree with Alicia....can I join your family to?? Oh wait...I am kicking the sweet habit...darn..never :)
