Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Moving Things

We moved my older daughter back home from college on Saturday. It was very easy. She was completely packed when we got there. We hauled two trips to the car and cleaned her entire dorm room top to bottom...all in 1 hour and 15 minutes! So, we rock:-)

Then, my husband moved a HUGE playset for our younger daughter from his sister's house to our house on Sunday. This was harder on him. He brought home 3 loads across town over the whole day. And this thing was heavy!!!! So, it's 7:00 p.m. on Monday night and he is in bed getting some much deserved rest! He is such a good daddy!!

So keep it down out here....Daddy is sleeping:-)


  1. Well done daddy!

    ps It must be so nice to have your daughter home for the summer. Enjoy!

  2. Wow, she was already packed!!! You are lucky!!

    Go daddy!!!

  3. We have all that moving to and from college to come in a couple of years time!
    I am hoping both boys end up in halls that allow you to leave your stuff there over Christmas and Easter breaks, because some don't, so that they can rent the rooms out for conferences etc while the students are at home.

  4. we are getting a swingset from my husbands sister too!!! That is too funny, bet yours is up first!

  5. How sweet of him to help out. I hope he got some rest.

  6. How sweet of him to help out. I hope he got some rest.

  7. Oh how wonderful that your daughter is home. this is the sweetest time when the children come home. I am looking so forward to the end of the school year. Having the kids all day is a treasure that passes all to past.
    Daddy sound like he had a work out! Now to get it put up!

  8. Wow...you guys do rock!!!!

    I bet it feels good to have your daughter back home for awhile! I'm sure she's happy eating your food too!! LOL!

    Aww..and yes, what a great hubby you have to do that!!!! That's really tiring going back and forth, plus putting something like that up!

  9. Oh my God. It took me a week to move out of my dorm.

  10. Awesome Dad!

    Moving, in any fashion sucks! It's good that college girl was packed & ready - that makes things so much simpler!

  11. Aww. What a trooper! 7pm? He must have been exhausted.

    So glad to hear your daughter is home for the summer!

  12. well - I am NOT surprised that your daughter was already organized and packed before you arrived! After all -- she is YOUR daughter! ;)

  13. We've dismantled and moved those monster wooden playsets and it's much more work than you'd ever think.

    He's a keeper!

    (tiptoeing quietly out of the blog...)
