Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It's amazing how much unpacking is generated from just a weekend away. But, that is what I am tackling today.

Wish me luck because they doctors finally stopped fighting. Tomorrow they may actually do the catherization on my mom.


More Than Words said...

That's the part I hate the most..the unpacking!!!!

I'm glad the docs finally came to an agreement about your mother!!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I get the unpacking done as soon as I walk in the door!! I'm a little OCD like that.

Anonymous said...

Good luck unpacking!

Melissa B. said...

Right now, we're tackling PACKING. Getting ready to send Ella Numera Una off to her new life! It's a chore either way, huh?

Shan said...

I hate unpacking with a passion. It seems like the pile of laundry becomes unbearable when you empty a suitcase. Good luck with it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Kim @ Adventures of a SAHM said...

Good Luck tackling the suitcase - and the laundry that comes with it!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Amy said...

I am happy to hear the great news for your Mom. I am getting ready for a trip.

Teri said...

Believe it or not, I kinda like unpacking from a trip. Can't wait to wash everything and put it all back where it belongs.

This may be a sickness, I dunno.

The Blonde Duck said...

Poor thing. Doctors and upacking are both unfun!

Rhonda said...

Yeah, without a doubt, the least fun part of a trip, unpacking! Best of luck with your mom. I'm new to the whole "blogosphere and memes" but I'm trying to learn fast. Thanks for visiting my site, Susie!

Frizzy said...

My husband and I still have a few things that need to be put away and we've been home for over a month. Sad but true!

As for your mom. I'm glad to know the doctors are moving forward and I pray the decision they came to was the right one. Prayers will continue for her and her doctors.

EmmaP said...

i hate deep-cleaning the entire house before leaving on vacation. but i love coming home to a super clean house, cuz it means i can just crawl into bed.

i love packing for my trips and the list-making feeds a little into my obsession. but i hate the unpacking.

this weekend leaving to stay with my parents in nevada for a week. the thing i love about visiting them is i get to do ALL my laundry the day before we leave to come home. it does make unpacking nicer as all i have to do is take it from the suitcase to the dresser.

glad you had fun. feel like you need a vacation from vacation??? :)

Kathy B! said...

Unpacking makes me shudder. Hate it!

I'll say a prayer for your mom.

Sugar Boogers & Tantrums said...

Omgosh! they still haven't done that? I'm glad they FINALLY made there decision.

I know what it's like to unpack right now so I hear ya.

Amy said...

Wow... will definitely be praying for your Mom!

Thanks for visiting my site... and thank you for your frugal idea. I love the idea of separating dirty laundry and clean clothing while on a trip. Great idea!

Thanks again!

heidi said...

Unpacking is the worst. Blah.

How'd it go with your mom??

Toddler Craft Onna said...

Unpacking is such a chore! All you really want to do is relax and it just takes so long to get it done! Especially kid stuff!

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