Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It's amazing how much unpacking is generated from just a weekend away. But, that is what I am tackling today.

Wish me luck because they doctors finally stopped fighting. Tomorrow they may actually do the catherization on my mom.


  1. That's the part I hate the most..the unpacking!!!!

    I'm glad the docs finally came to an agreement about your mother!!

  2. I get the unpacking done as soon as I walk in the door!! I'm a little OCD like that.

  3. Good luck unpacking!

  4. Right now, we're tackling PACKING. Getting ready to send Ella Numera Una off to her new life! It's a chore either way, huh?

  5. I hate unpacking with a passion. It seems like the pile of laundry becomes unbearable when you empty a suitcase. Good luck with it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Good Luck tackling the suitcase - and the laundry that comes with it!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  7. I am happy to hear the great news for your Mom. I am getting ready for a trip.

  8. Believe it or not, I kinda like unpacking from a trip. Can't wait to wash everything and put it all back where it belongs.

    This may be a sickness, I dunno.

  9. Poor thing. Doctors and upacking are both unfun!

  10. Yeah, without a doubt, the least fun part of a trip, unpacking! Best of luck with your mom. I'm new to the whole "blogosphere and memes" but I'm trying to learn fast. Thanks for visiting my site, Susie!

  11. My husband and I still have a few things that need to be put away and we've been home for over a month. Sad but true!

    As for your mom. I'm glad to know the doctors are moving forward and I pray the decision they came to was the right one. Prayers will continue for her and her doctors.

  12. i hate deep-cleaning the entire house before leaving on vacation. but i love coming home to a super clean house, cuz it means i can just crawl into bed.

    i love packing for my trips and the list-making feeds a little into my obsession. but i hate the unpacking.

    this weekend leaving to stay with my parents in nevada for a week. the thing i love about visiting them is i get to do ALL my laundry the day before we leave to come home. it does make unpacking nicer as all i have to do is take it from the suitcase to the dresser.

    glad you had fun. feel like you need a vacation from vacation??? :)

  13. Unpacking makes me shudder. Hate it!

    I'll say a prayer for your mom.

  14. Omgosh! they still haven't done that? I'm glad they FINALLY made there decision.

    I know what it's like to unpack right now so I hear ya.

  15. Wow... will definitely be praying for your Mom!

    Thanks for visiting my site... and thank you for your frugal idea. I love the idea of separating dirty laundry and clean clothing while on a trip. Great idea!

    Thanks again!

  16. Unpacking is the worst. Blah.

    How'd it go with your mom??

  17. Unpacking is such a chore! All you really want to do is relax and it just takes so long to get it done! Especially kid stuff!
