Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with Boo Boos

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-) You see these?

These are the first boo boos on my youngest that I didn't tend to. Fallen on the playground without her mommy to kiss it and make it better:-( I think I am taking it harder than she is.


  1. Aww! I always makes me wonder, "How did that happen?"

  2. Auch! I bet for her it was nothing - bragging rights with the band-aids.

  3. Awww...poor little one! It's hard when our babies hurt themselves.

    Thanks for your recent comment on my blog! It's an encouragement!

    Myra @ Happy Housewife Living Life

  4. Awwww poor sweetie.
    She looks pretty fixed up now though
    Happy Friday

  5. Oh, poor dear! I hate it when that happens! Mine likes getting the bandaid on, then feels it's part of the process to keep taking it off, which doesn't work in my book. I give up on the bandages! =)
    Happy Friday!

  6. OUCH! Poor baby -- and poor mama!

  7. Poor thing (and I mean you and not her). It's hard to let them grow up :(

  8. Oooohh! Did she get those at school? I hate it when my little guy comes home with scrapes and bruises...but I guess it's a part of life. I can't tell you how many times my mom would yell at me for falling on the school yard and ruining yet another set of tights! ;)

  9. Oh no poor thing, and poor mommy!

  10. Yaya came home with a boo boo note this week too. She fell while running on the playground. I hadn't thought of it the way you did til now. Now I feel so guilty! UGH!

  11. Visiting from SITS.

    Oh...I know the feeling. I bet she's getting lots of kisses now.

  12. Oh no....that's sad, the poor little sweetheart. Now that she's home you can give all kinds of hugs and love.

  13. Don't we always take it harder than them? :-) LOL!

  14. Awwwwww...don't cry, Mom! Your baby's a Big Girl now, huh?

  15. boo boos always feel better after momma kisses them!

  16. awww... i had a similar experience. i asked my daughter if she would be willing to fall off her bike again just so I could be the one to come to her rescue... guess she didnt think the sacifice was worth it. lol!
