Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Indoor Garden

 It's time for me to start my indoor garden again. If I start it now, we will have lettuce and herbs for the winter:-) The light table took quite a hit this year so, we needed to rebuild it. I didn't take before pictures but here are some afters:

And this table is all ready for the summer plants to come in when they are ready. I have 4 ferns, 5 impatiens and one marigold to bring in. My seedlings will be big enough to come out by then:-)


  1. Wow, Susie! I've never seen such a thing. You must enlighten me! LOL

  2. That is a great idea and wonderful that you have room to do this. Excellent idea.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as Debbie. That and I wondered if you harvest the seeds from your own tomatoes, peppers, etc. for your future gardens. If so how do you do it? I have some great red pepper seeds I would love to keep for next spring/summer.

  4. This totally reminds me of when you did this last year!!! Is it a year already???

  5. That is just fantastic! WOW! That is something I need to do. Can you explain all that goes into raising plants like this?

  6. Wow, that is cool! I wish I had room to build something like that in my house!

  7. Wow, this is a fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing!

    Sassy chica

  8. Wow, Susie. What an amazing indoor garden. You should teach classes on this!

  9. That's so neat! Much better than the indoor garden we had in junior high science class.

  10. The indoor garden looks great. I wish we have such space here to let the boys try gardening at home.

  11. That is so neat! It takes up quite a bit of space.You're lucky you can do this!

  12. Wow -- I'm super impressed. Then again, I think I'm always pretty darn impressed with what you're doing. ;)
