Thursday, October 29, 2009

Passing on Gardening for TV Again!!

Ok...I have no gardening today but...I am going to be on TV...AGAIN.

A local series called Wisconsin Foodie is doing a piece on Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee this Sunday before the pregame. So, if you are in the Milwaukee area, tune in to Channel 58 at 10:30. I will be the one with the Lemonade Cupcakes who is sweating a lot. (It was filmed in August and it was like 500 degrees in there!) And for you outside the area, I will post the video as soon as I have it:-)

I know, I know. I am a press whore but I can't help it! I swear this is the last thing I have in the hopper for a while:-)


  1. Susie, you're too funny!!

    I look forward to seeing you on video!

  2. Congratulations on you net five minutes of fame - we all need it!

  3. That is so neat! I hope you get a souvenir copy!

  4. LOL @ press whore..
    I think it's fantastic. Lemon too..mmm my fav!

  5. I'm actually gonna be in Madison on Sunday. Can I get it on the tube there?

  6. I wanna see it! You should upload it to youtube for us!!!
