Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Antipasto Platter

This weekend, I had training for leading my daughter's Daisy troop. So, my husband had to spear head the dinner party we were hosting. I had no idea what he is making until I got home. Since his menu was Italian, I thought that I should throw an antipasto platter together and this is what I came up with:

Two kinds of cheese, olives, pickles and grapes (can you believe I still had grapes on my vines?) Pretty good for just off the cuff right?


  1. Excellent idea for an antipasto plate. Simple, stress free and tasty! :)

  2. That looks so yummy!

    Over from SITS.

    Have a great day.

  3. Finger-friendly-foods are so fun! Good work!

  4. You just threw it together. Just like that. You are fantastic.

  5. So creative and looks like a very ritzy ensemble :)

  6. That looks like an awesome appetizer!

  7. That looks wonderful.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I will post a picture when I get my prayer "flip book" finished. I think it might be an idea worth copying! Blessings.

  8. looks awesome! as a cheese lover, um... i NEED to know what kind of cheese it is, thanks :)

  9. I'd say great. wow you have VINES??

    We had a yummy antipasto plate the other night at pretty much the only fancy restaurant left in my new tiny town.. and when they brought the plate at first I was all WOW.

    Then I thought like you.. that's not so hard to put together??

    Thanks for the WW buzz-by!

  10. Just lovely. And I'll bet y'all had fun, too! Do you or Hubby cater?

  11. There is nothing better than grapes and cheese...one of my favorite snacks.
