Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with Leftovers

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun! What are you doing with your Thanksgiving leftovers? I think I am going to do this:

Thanks for the recipe Martha!

For more great leftover recipes, check out Friday Favorites over at Hoosier Homemade.


  1. Yum, that looks good!

    I'm boring. It will be turkey sandwiches or turkey enchiladas.

  2. All this great Thanksgiving fare is making me seriously hungry.

  3. Oh gosh that sure looks good and healthy too.

  4. Yummy,what is that like a turkey pot-pie? Looks great!

  5. That is a nice idea!.
    First time here. I found your blog through Melissa B's blog.
    Have a great time!

  6. Thanks for following, Susie.
    Glad to i've "met" you.I'm following, too:)
    hugs hugs

  7. You gotta love that Martha! We had an untraditional Thanksgiving, so no turkey leftovers here...but maybe for Christmas! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  8. Love those leftovers, just had ham on a roll with some cold dressing on the side, yummers!!!!!

    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, your bird looked good :)

  9. Susie Susie Susie ... did you take that picture? It looks like the cover of a food magazine. I love the stripes with the polka dots and the bright red apple slivers. Gorgeous!

    Happy Fx4 ;)


  10. And thank you, Susie, for sharing this, too! I'm always at a loss for what to do with Thanksgiving/Christmas leftovers. Now I've got a plan!

  11. We did the basic heated up leftovers. But tomorrow Turkey Salad and the start of soup.

  12. I will be looking up turkey recipes soon! a 12 pound turkey for a family of four is a bit much!

  13. I think I'm going to try my Fancy Chicken Salad Croissants with turkey instead of chicken.

  14. I'm doing the same thing on my blog
    for the next few days. Posting recipes for leftovers. This is
    Tee from the GrabBag returning the follow.

  15. I am making turkey pot pie...and froze some to make turkey canapes for my Christmas Party.

  16. That looks great! Thank you - I'll have to give it a whirl this year.

    New follower from MBC - come by and visit me!

  17. Hi ,This looks good!
    My blog for today is ready. I saw your "can't wait" comment.
    I couldn't wait to post it and do dinner or rest!
    I was distracted by my family and the phone!
    Thanks . I am following you now.

  18. Mmm that looks yummy, we had our Canadian thanksgiving in Oct. I wish it was last week so I had left overs right now,,,I guess Christmas isnt too far off!

  19. Oh YUM! That looks delicious!

    How did it turn out?
