Friday, April 16, 2010

Summer Day Camp Here We Come!

Happy Friday Followers! I am so excited that the weather has finally taken a turn for the better!! It means that summer is right around the corner.

With summer comes day camp and this year, I am leading a unit:-) Yahoo!! It started off with 5 of my Daisies and somehow, I picked up 6 more along the way! I had such a great experience with camp as a girl and I am so glad that I can contribute to theirs.

So, any advice out there for a first-time unit leader? I need all the help I can get:-)


  1. i only did that once, but my advice is to just be a mommy for them:O) I am sure you will:O) Have fun!

  2. Our son is only 3 so we aren't in that phase yet. But good luck. And I would say projects are key. :)

    Happy FF.

  3. Sorry, I don't have any sage advice but did want to wish you much luck!

    Visiting and following from Friday Follow. Happy weekend!

    ~ Lynn

  4. Sorry I do not have an advice for it. But I can say just have a great time.. I know you will

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I hope you have a blast!!! I’m another new follower! Feel free to check out my blog as well!
    Happy Friday Follow! Hope to Blog with you again soon!

  6. i've got nothin' for you! :-) LOL good luck! i'm sure it will be loads of fun. following you from today's ff. have a great weekend!

  7. Hey! I'm visiting from Friday Follow. Happy Friday!

    You can visit and follow any of my blogs: - currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs - Family blog

  8. You are one cool lady. Not sure I could do it myself! I'm so thankful others like you can.

  9. Hi! Stopping by from Friday Follow! Hope you can return the favor :0

  10. Awesome.
    My kids go to summer camp...but I do not lead.
    Maybe when I only have Abby as the youngest and she goes.
    Have fun...

  11. Your blog is so nice! I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow :) Hope you can return the favor!

  12. I remember learning songs and doing crafts in my brownies group. I loved it. I also think it is cool to really get to know each girl. Perhaps they can make something for each other, like each get paired up or something. A craft that honors their uniqueness. Perhaps this want's that helpful but I know you will have fun!

  13. I bet it will go well! I always tried to plan for twice as much material as I thought I would need:)

  14. Hey hey Susie! It's Anita Hamilton from Its a Sweet Thing Blog here to let you know that your the $30 walmart gift card winner!!!! Yay!

    Please email shipping details to so I can get that shipped to you right away. Thanks for participating and I hope you had fun at the blog party!


  15. Aww.. that's Great of you! I have all boys, so the activities might of been more rugged. We did do a lot of crafts though. And outdoor activities like taking pictures of birds, plants, etc. Just a few thoughts. Good Luck and I know you and the girls will have lots of fun!!! ~ Coreen
