Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Susie's Chocolate Cheesecake Cupcakes

This week, I tackled another Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Challenge and this time it was Cheese!! Well, I couldn't pass up a chance to showcase my famous Chocolate Cheesecake and here they are:

Susie's Chocolate Cheesecake Cupcakes
I made chocolate cheesecake cupcakes with a chocolate truffle snuggled in the center of chocolate candy clay to make Brown-Eyed Susan flowers. I added the flowers to a window box to make:

Can you believe that people actually thought that I was Suzy from Suzy's Cheesecake? Too funny!!! Here I am in all my presentation glory:

And I say glory because:

I don't know if you can make it out but, the score board says, I WON!! First for presentation and second for taste:-) Yeah Me!! What a fun event!


  1. Good for you! Those are so adorable!

  2. Simply amazing! Thanks for joining in the fun at Cupcake Tuesday!

  3. YUMMO~~~ I want one like right now! those sound divine! maybe you could give a simplified version for those of us that don't have all that time to make them look so pretty but want all that awesome cheesecake taste???

  4. thats awesome and those are so cute!!

  5. Congrats!

    And your presentation booth... LOVE it!

  6. Susie, I am not surprised, and again, I am so impressed!

    By the way, cheesecake is my favorite!!!

  7. Woot WOOT! I would really like to have one to eat!!!!! They are super cute, congratulations!

  8. They are so pretty. To good to eat but I bet they taste good.

  9. Awesome job! You look fabulous!!

  10. Congrats! That is fantastic and you look so cute and the cupcakes look beautifully yummy :)

  11. AWESOME! Did I tell you my b-day's coming up in May?

  12. those look too good to eat but bet they taste delicious

  13. Congrats on the win!! Yeah for you!! Care to share your recipe?

  14. You've officially made me hungry. Yummy!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog on my special SITS day.

  15. They turned out great!! They look really yummy and your presentation is just darling!! Congrats on the win - and what a great bday present!! :) Thanks for linking them up!

  16. Congrats on the win! Those are adorable and look so yummy!
