Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tackling Spring Cleaning

I can't believe that April is half over! I have been spring cleaning like a mad woman!! The painting project gave me the inspiration and the vacation gave the energy:-) Here is what I accomplished thus far:

  • Deep clean living room carpets

  • Organize daughter's craft table

  • Organize daughter's room

  • Launder bed linens

  • Flip Mattresses

  • Wash walls in bathroom

  • Launder bathroom linens

  • Clean Coffe Pot

  • Clean Oven

And now, I am exhausted!! But, I have just enough energy to show you the Taj Mahal of Barbie Closets:

Once the living room was painted, the Barbie Village needed to be relocated. We did some purging and came up with some space in her closet. Now, Barbie has a party house with a roof-top pool and a second story that is a garage/accesory room...that's right room. And the landing in between is the paper-clip float in closet. That's right...those babies are hanging there with paper clips. I am a McGyver Mommy! It will probably look like this for 2.5 seconds but it gave me great pleasure:-)
And now, I am going over to SITs for a Spring Fling:-)


  1. that looks like the PERFECT Barbie play place !!!!! I so want to play:O) What a great mama you are!

  2. You just reminded me that I need to clean my oven!!

  3. I love Barbie stuff! You've been really busy!

  4. I don't want to spring clean. Not at all. Oh no. I really must soon though. I mean, it is practically summer : )

  5. I so remember my daughter playing with barbies and the like

  6. My girls would love that Barbie Ville! LOL

    Good job on al the work you've done.

  7. Wow! Even though I'm not terribly fond of Barbie, it makes me want to come and play! Such a creative, fun closet!

    Thanks for the inspiration and for stopping by to visit my first blog party!

    Have a blessed week!

  8. wow..my daughter would love to play in that closet!! I've been doing the same thing..cleaning, weeding out old and small clothes to donate.

  9. Wow - that is great... when you are done you can head over to my place!!

  10. It looks fab!!! That Barbie stuff gets out of control, doesn't it??

  11. Hello there, thanks so much for stopping and following my blog. I am following you back.

    I am sure your blog with be a fun read.

  12. want to stop by and do this for me.???. I so need to do this too..

  13. Thanks for the welcome to SITS.

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  14. wow! you've done an amazing job! it gives me the inspiration i need to get my own butt in gear with spring cleaning our 3 bedrooms! I came by via BF and I am your newest follower/subscriber/commenter! I am SO looking forward to your food posts!

  15. My Lord, Barbie gets her own bedroom! Nice organisation. I wish I had the energy! Greeting from Italy via BPOTW, where my post this week might explain a little about why I don't!! Back soon.

  16. OMG I love it.
    My girls would be thrilled with such an organized barbie village..lol.
    i love the little hangers for the clothes.
