Friday, May 28, 2010

Blog Frog Friday 5-28-10

I am happy to have you all here for Blog Frog Friday: a weekly stop at my Blog Frog community:-)

"It's my birthday. I can blog if I want to, blog if I want to, blog if I want to. You would blog too if you knew what I knew."
That's right! Today, is my actual 40th birthday. I get to see my youngest read her first published book at her Author's Tea at school. I have an Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Challenge tonight and with any luck, I may even get to play with my girlfriends. It is going to be the perfect finale to this 40th May celebration of mine:-)
In honor of this special day, this week's topic is about Birthday Cakes. So, hop on over to my pad for the conversation:-)


  1. Happy Birthday, Susan. You share it with my daughter Gina (A Handful of Life)
    Hope you have a very very happy day.

  2. Happy Birthday to one of my fave bloggy commenting friends! May it be filled with all things wonderful and wished for!!

  3. Happy Birthday..

    What a great way to celebrate your Birthday with your family..

    Have a great weekend..

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope that you get lots of lovely presents and eat lots of cake!

    Best wishes and hip hip hooray,

  5. Thanks for checking in on me. I hope you are also having a great weekend. Also..
