Friday, May 7, 2010

Introducing Blog Frog Friday

Welcome Friday Followers! I am happy to have you all here!

However, I am not happy with how little I am using my Blog Frog community. So, just like everything in my little life, I have to blog about it. If I have you all to be accountable to, I will most certainly do better. So, every Friday is now Blog Frog Friday:-)

My first Blog Frog Friday question is:

What would you like to see on Susie's Homemade community (i.e. giveaways, how to's, forums, etc.)?

Hopefully, a bunch of you will hop on over there and we can get a great conversation going:-)


  1. Hi there. Sorry about the broken linky for Friday Follow. I've added your link to an alternate linky at my blog.

    Happy Friday Follow and Blog Frog Friday! I'd love to see how-to's and giveaways at your place.


  2. Stopping by from FF and am your newest blog-stalker! :)

    Hope you'll come on over and follow back. My journey to being a stay-at-home-mom is about to get started!

  3. I would love to see more of your desserts and tutorials! Is that too much to ask for? LOL

  4. Coming over from Friday Follow! Going to check out your blog now! Bye Bye!

  5. I now following From Friday Follow

    You can find me here~

  6. Hello from! I look forward to following! I love DIY sites!!!

  7. ironic... i just joined BlogFrog this morning. not really sure how it all works yet... but i'm getting there.

  8. I will look into this when I get home. I am still trying to understand how the blog frog works too..

    Have an amazing Mother's day..

  9. I haven't figured out hwo to get te most out of blog frog either. I love the idea, though.

    Thanks for welcoming me to SITS!

  10. I don't really know what to do with mine either. I wanna use it too!

    I like Alicia's idea!

  11. Thanks for my Mother's day wish.. I hope you are having a great day also.

  12. First off, Happy Mom's Day! And I love EVERYTHING I see over here...but particularly your gardening tidbits. Please give me some enthusiasm to get out and clean things up for the growing season ahead!

  13. Hi Susie - I left you an award on my blog :)

  14. Blog Frog? Is that like Twitter Tweople?
