Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tackling a Sofa

This year, my older daughter will be moving into her very first college apartment. As such, she is in need of furniture, dishes, etc. Well, I saved a bunch of stuff when we moved my mom into our house. So, my daughter is pretty set with dishes and such. However, she needed a sofa so, we tackled getting her set up with one.
Now, if you remember back to college, you don't want designer furniture in these places. There are parties that cause spills that you can never come back from. So, look at what $3 will buy you:

Not bad right? The cushions were missing and the frame is broken but that's not a problem. A couple of throw pillows and a woodworking grandpa that can reforce the busted frame and viola!! Chic Ode de College:-)


  1. Nice score!
    My son is planning on moving out too. : (
    good job on the sofa

  2. that is such an nice couch for a college student. How fun to have her own apartment. THat is great..

  3. What a great sofa! I just love being frugal.

  4. That is the perfect college sofa. It even looks comfy enough to sleep on! Great Job Mama!!!

  5. You are so resourceful and frugal! She'll love it!

  6. coming from Tackle It Tuesday I'm your 500th follower!!!

  7. Looks very good for $3. You did very well.

  8. I loved my old $15.00 love seat my mom recovered for me. I also recall the Al Bundy floral couch we had in our basement that she recovered in bright blue cordouroy for Bird's apartment so he could sell his and put that money towards my wedding ring.

    Many new memories will be made on that redone sofa.

  9. $3??? I don't know of ANYWHERE around here that would sell it for that. I mean, **maybe** $25 if it is ratty and beat up... but $3??? SCORE!

  10. Shoot, that's luxury right there! I had an orange plaid couch in college. :(
