Friday, June 4, 2010

Blog Frog Friday 6-4-10

I am happy to have you all here for Blog Frog Friday: a weekly stop at my Blog Frog community:-)

This week is all about gardening. Memorial weekend is traditionally the time to plant in Wisconsin. Now that this is past, this week's topic is about gardening. So, hop on over to my pad for the conversation:-)


  1. I have also done some gardening.. Hop on by my blog and see when you can.. Have an amazing weekend.

  2. Any tips on getting rid of weeds that grow and grow

  3. It wont go to the site. i don't know if it is my computer or the link. Just a heads up:O)

  4. Hope you had a good Blog Frog Friday!

  5. I'm all planted...we need more rain, though. I'm tired of watering!
