Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spring Baking

May was a HUGE baking month. Here is some other things I made:

Mom's Strawberry Birthday Cake

Cookies for Author's Tea


  1. OMG!! I feel hungry just looking at the pics!!

    Happy Wednesday!!

  2. Oh I love that cake.. I so want some.. Have a great day..

  3. OK, now I'm seriously hungry! :) I have that EXACT same basket! You have good taste... ;)

    WW: The Pond, One Year Later

  4. Hello Susie
    Sounds like the oven has been warm all month. That berry cake is just awesome. Whipped cream frosting? The cookie technique on the center flower turned out cool. Have you ever laid out a bit of color in a decorating bag just a strip from tip to top then filled with the main color it is a cool way too.
    Well happy trails girl.

  5. You should open a bakery!!!!! I love that cake, it looks amazing!

  6. You're the best, Susie!!! Do you like baking or cooking better?

  7. Your cookies are GORG. I want one RIGHT NOW.
