Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rock You Like a Hurricane Cupcakes

Last week, I competed in the Iron Cupcake: Milwaukee Extreme Cupcake Challenge. Here was my entry:

Rock You Like a Hurricane Cupcakes
They were:

If you can read the signs from my stellar photography, they read:
Rock You Like a Hurricane Cupcakes
Lime Cupcakes with
Passion-fruit Curd Filling
Topped with Rum Brown Sugar Meringue Frosting
Just like the hurricane cocktails they serve in New Orleans. I especially liked the frosting. The brown sugar really brought out the rum flavor; more than regular sugar:-)
The display included a boarded up window with a spinning turn-table (which was the eye of the storm), a fan under some fabric to look like waves and those battery votive candles under cotton to look like lighting. I didn't win but I sure loved creating this extreme weather and flavored cupcakes:-)
Next month...tailgating cupcakes...hmmmm....what to do....what to do?


  1. You are always so creative, Susie!!!! I bet those were all delicious!

  2. They look delicious! The frosting sounds amazing.
    What a cool display. I wish we had a contest like there her in Arkansas.

  3. Those look divine! I'm loving the passion fruit filling!

  4. I like the idea of the rum flavor being enhanced! Yum!

  5. http://itistimetothinkformyself.blogspot.com/2010/07/pick-one-or-two-to-share-follow-rule-no.html

    Happy Tuesday!
    Look to see if you like one or two awards there.

  6. what a yummy treat. I learned something new about cupcakes today..

  7. Every time I make cupcakes I'm amazed how hard they are!

  8. Those look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing them on Cupake Tuesday!
    I hope you can join us for the Cupcake Challenge next month! It's gonna be a blast!!

  9. now that sounds really sweet and tart. I am sure they were good. Have you ever hit hostess cupcakes up for a job as creator?

  10. Have you seen the new TLC show, "DC Cupcake"? Ella Numera Dos and I went down there today. Great cupcakes, but nothing you couldn't do. Hey, there was a line out the door, and they sell theirs for #2.75 each. You should consider going global!
