Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Time Alone on the Big Slide

One of the things that has kept me away from my blog this summer was fun activities like going to the Wisconsin State Fair where they have a big yellow slide. This is my youngest's first solo ride:

That's pure terror on her face!!!

Playing along with Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom and Wordful Wednesday on parenting By dummies:-)


  1. Wow! My kids would love that.

    Glad to see you posting again. I was just thinking about you the other day, wonder where you were. :)

  2. That slide IS HUGE! Yaya went down one with her pappy this summer. She wasn't too thrilled about it even with him keeping her safe. LOL

  3. I got a HUGE carpet burn on one of those when I was little. Haven't been back on one since. Ouch! Glad you had a busy and fun summer!


  4. Now that is a picture for the books! I have a similar picture of my daughter on a ride at the fair- her first time by herself on something that went really fast. The pictures we got are priceless!

  5. OH WOW that is awesome LOL. I think both of mine would have really wanted to but freaked out before making it all the way to the top lmao!
