Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spring Cleaning Jumpstart

I can't believe that February is almost over. Just on the horizon is March and spring cleaning. I always need some sort of inspiration to get the ball rolling and I often find it in my closet and drawers. I don't know if it is because I get sick of my clothes or a hint of spring fever but, I always need to purge.

I did a HUGE purge this time. And, I ended up with a wonderfully organized activewear drawer:

And my closet looks great too. I purged a bunch of shoes and what was left...

...was organized wonderfully. Putting a picture of the shoe on the box is a great way to remember what is inside. A lot of the shoes I through out, I did so because I forgot I had them and never wore them. Now, I know exactly what everything is:-)

Playing along with Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom . I am posting this along with I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. I LOVE the idea of pictures on the shoe boxes! Very smart. I have my shoes in one of those behind the door pocket organizers, but the picture idea would be great in the kids' room too!

  2. I'm afraid to look in my closets, but you've inspired me! Thanks

  3. You did a great job. I am cleaning my closet and having issues throwing away so its taking ime a while to get done.
