Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Grandma's Rose is Back

My biggest fear through this whole remodel was that I was going to lose my Grandma's rose. For 50 years, it was at the home in which I grew up. When my sister-in-law didn't want it anymore, I moved it to my house. It was there for 3 years and was doing well. Then, the contractor said that they had to dig out our foundation. So, I moved it to my veggie garden over the winter. I transplanted it again to its final resting place (I hope) in front of the new trellis this spring. I crossed my fingers that it would live. Not only did it live but it bloomed!!!

I now believe that this rose will survive a nuclear war:-)

Playing along with Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom .


  1. YEAH!!!! How thrilling it must be to see a bloom this year on top of it!

  2. That's awesome!!! My momma is great with roses. She always feeds them super triple phosphate and black cow. I'm sure it will thrive where it is!

  3. That's wonderful! We have an aloe vera plant that belonged to a family member, and it continues to thrive despite moves and my black thumb. Which is good, because every time I look at it, warm memories flood back and make my day better.
