Saturday, September 1, 2012


If you are an avid reader of Susie's Homemade, you may have noticed my frequent absences from writing this summer. That is because Susie's Homemade has always been in direct alignment with who I am. After my illness in October last year, I made a lot of life style changes. Now, my blog doesn't really reflect who I am anymore. I am not all cupcakes and baking anymore. Now, I am more like quinoa and natural cooking. So, I am going to return to this blog slowly however, just like in my life and in my heart, it will be different. It will look different. Over the next couple months, I will transform Susie's Homemade into Susie's Home Made Healthy. I hope that you will join me on this journey as I become more of myself and who I was meant to be.


  1. Good for you! You have to be true to yourself.

  2. Nice to see your post. So understand the quinoa and natural cooking.

    Have a happy Labor Day!!!

  3. Yes! I think that's wonderful that you'll turn it into a healthier reflection of you!

  4. i'm excited to see your new changes! i too have come off of blogging hiatus and started up again. i'm also trying to figure out how to cook healthy options for my family on a super tight budget

  5. Oh, I can't wait to see where you take this blog.

  6. I totally get it, and I think there are a lot of people who need the more natural stuff. I'm with you in that this is how I cook a lot, too, but yet what I post isn't always what I make on a daily basis. I love the update idea for you.
