Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eclair Cheesecake

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-) And I am up to my old tricks again.

This little beauty that I made for a dinner party last week may not be pretty but it was really good!! It was inspired by a dessert that I always order at a local restaurant called Maxims. It is a brilliant creation of a layer of cheesecake, topped with a layer of chocolate cake, filled and frosted with chocolate buttercream, glazed with chocolate ganache and garnished with a mini eclair. What's not to like right? Would you like the recipe? Ok:-)

Eclair Cheesecake
For Cheesecake Layer:
1-1/4 cups vanilla wafers, crushed
1/4 cup butter, melted
3-8 oz. packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 tbls vanilla
1-1/2 cups sour cream

For Chocolate Cake Layer:
1 Devil's Food Cake box mix and all ingredients it requires

For the Chocolate Buttercream Frosting:
1/2 cup solid vegetable shortening
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
3/4 cup cocoa or three 1 oz. unsweetened chocolate squares, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (approximately 1 lb.)
3-4 tablespoons milk

For Ganache:
8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tbls unsalted butter

For Whipping Cream for Assembly of the Cake:
1/4 cup whipping cream
2 tbls powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla

1. In a small mixing bowl, combine wafer crumbs and butter and stir well. Press crumb mixture into bottom and 1 inch up the sides of a 9-inch springform pan. Chill.

2. In a medium mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, melted chocolate and vanilla until smooth. Fold in sour cream. Pour mixture into crumb crust.

3. Wrap bottom and sides of the springform pan in foil and put it in a roasting pan. Fill the roasting pan with boiling water until it is half-way up the springform pan. Bake the cheesecake in the water bath for 1 hour and 10 minutes at 325. Turn off the oven and let cheesecake stand in the oven for 30 minutes with the oven door ajar. Remove and cool on wire rack. Cover and chill for at least 8 hours.

4. Bake Cake per the directions on the box.

5. In large bowl, cream shortening and butter with electric mixer. Add cocoa and vanilla. Gradually add sugar, one cup at a time, beating well on medium speed. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl often. When all sugar has been mixed in, icing will appear dry. Add milk and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Keep bowl covered with a damp cloth until ready to use. For best results, keep icing bowl in refrigerator when not in use.

6. For the ganache, place chocolate in a medium heat-safe mixing bowl. Heat cream and butter over medium heat then, bring to boil. Immediately pour cream over chocolate and mix until the chocolate is melted. Let stand for 5 minutes.

7. To assemble, frost cheesecake with the chocolate buttercream icing. Top with the chocolate cake. Frost the cake with the buttercream. Chill for 30 minutes.

8. For the glaze, place the fully chilled cake on a wire rack over a baking sheet. To cover cake, pour the ganache into the center of the cake. Working quickly, spread with a spatula over the sides of the cake to create an even coating of ganache.

9. To garnish, make the whipping cream. Chill a small bowl and your beaters. Put the cream, powdered sugar and vanilla in the bowl and whip until stiff. Fill a pastry bag with a star tip and pipe 14 stars on top of the ganache frosted cake. Chill for 5 minutes to set. Serve and enjoy:-)

Serves 14


  1. oh my....that looks sinful!!! yum.

  2. I will have to make this. Yummo!

  3. This looks wonderful. My hubby loves cheesecake. You would score high on his list!

  4. Oh. My. Stars. I'll just come to your house and have you make it for me. It looks AMAZING!!

  5. I am so not a dessert eater...but I really, really want a bite.

  6. WOW!!! YUM!!

    You're right, what's not to like...
    I won't be making it lest I begin to look like the Goodyear Blimp :)

  7. please lord do NOT teach me how to make stuff like that - because honestly... i will eat it non-stop for days. i can't keep stuff like this in the house -or- make it very often... or i can't stop indulging! haha. looks absolutely yummy

  8. OH MAMA! I am so going out and buying those ingredients TOMORROW! YUM!!!!!

    Happy Friday!

  9. Wow! That looks and sounds great Susie! yummmmy!!!!

  10. Oh My Goodness! This looks so delicious. :)

  11. Would I like the recipe????


    I just want to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're killin' me here!!! LOL

  12. Seriously that looks delicious! Cheesecake is my weakness. Thanks for sharing the recipe!!!

    Thanks for reading "Our Story". I enjoyed writing & love to hear that people enjoyed reading it.

  13. I think I just gained 3 lubs ... looks SO yummy!!

    Check out my great foodie blogger friend Kelly is a wonder in the kitchen and yummy food!

  14. I think I gain wait just by reading your blog...thanks so much for the recipes. Looks so yummy!

  15. As soon as you said cheesecake, I was sold! Yummy!!!!

  16. Oh so much work for A LOT of pleasure! Yum!

  17. oh my....I just gained 5 pounds LOOKING at that! yummy!

  18. Oh yummmm!!

    I'm saving this recipe. A friend;s birthday is coming up. She loves Chocolate cake, Cheesecake and eclairs... this will be just perfect!!!

  19. I'm seriously making "mmmm" sounds and my husband is looking at me all funny. This looks so good.

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog(s). I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to leave me a comment.

  21. THANK YOU Susie for the photo and the recipe!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

  22. YUM.

    The only thing that would make this even better...

    is for someone else to make it for ME!


  23. CUT IT OUT DARN YOU! I'm gaining weight just reading this post!

  24. Oh my goodness.. I can feel the fat cells gathering just as I read this.. YUMMY!

  25. fabulous. chocolate and chocolate and chocolate some more. I love the eclair on top.

  26. That's some serious good eats!

  27. Oh, this is absolutely perfect! I promised my son I would bake a cheesecake this weekend. I love this recipe. Thanks!

  28. Oh good heavens. I would be a happy woman if I had that.

  29. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That looks absolutely delightful. I'm pretty sure I gained a pound just by looking at it haha. Definitely keeping that recipe. Thanks!! :)

  30. I feel like I gain a pound just looking at your posts! :) Yum!!

  31. This looks so yummy. I am thinking perhaps I will try it out for Easter.


    Please visit me at

  32. BTW, I'm celebrating One Year in the Blogosphere with a special 2-day Sx3 today and tomorrow. The winner gets a $50 Tar-Jay Gift Card. Please say you'll play!

  33. I just gained a couple pounds reading this post :)

    Thanks so much for visiting on my SITS day :)

  34. OMG! This thing is so up my alley its not even funny! I think I would eat this until I got sick....because I don't think I could stop!!!! Thanks for posting the recipe....I'll be trying this one soon....hopefully won't be making myself sick though. ;)

  35. I've been looking for a good chocolate buttercream recipe. I'll give this one a try

  36. Yum!! You should link this one up to Dessert Friday!

  37. Mmmmmm... That does look and sound delicious. THanks for sharing!

  38. I made this wonderful cake that took 2 days. I might make it again but I'll add cherries or raspberries between the cheesecake and the chocolate cake and on the top for decoration/taste also. The recipe for the cheesecake says add chocolate but the ingredient part does not have chocolate listed. mmm

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