Friday, June 5, 2009


It's me...Susie:-) I am peaking my head in here just to let my wonderful readers know what is going on.

A couple weeks ago, I came down with a terrible secondary respiratory infection. It was second to seasonal allergies!! I didn't know you could develop an infection from pollen. Anyway, the remedy was antibodotics which kicked my butt!! I was so physically worn out, I couldn't even blog. Now, that's serious!

I am feeling much better now (thank you for asking:-) and, am slowly coming back to the blogosphere:-) You should be seeing my silly mug around soon because I have a lot of catching up to do:-) And then Monday, I will be back with lots of new stuff to share.

Thanks again for everyone's concern and for hanging in there:-)


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Take care of yourself :)

  2. I was wondering about you. I am so glad that you are starting to feel better.

  3. Ahhh, take it easy Susie and continue to recover, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids....ummm, no I am NOT a doctor, but a mother and that is what we say :)

  4. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better. I was going to go looking for you today because I had not seen you. But I am glad you are back.

  5. Glad you are getting better. Can't wait to see you back. Meanwhile, be sure to get some much needed rest!

  6. Good to know it wasn't anything too serious!!

    I'm glad you are starting to feel better!!

  7. That explains it... I thought it was a little strange Brenda didn't have a blog this week, but, very weird indeed that there wasn't anything from you! I will do what I can to hold down the fort At Work,Play,Home AllDay, but, I am sure our readers have missed you both! Get better soon.

  8. I'm glad you are starting to feel better! Being sick blows. We missed you :)

  9. Take Care!! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  10. I had been wondering...
    Glad you are feeling better.
    I too have been knocked down for a while due to illness (mine will cellulitus. UGH)

    Hope to see you around soon :)

  11. Oh, yuck. I'm so glad you're feeling better. The same thing is going around here in TX. Kurtie was sick last week, and I have it this week. No fun.

  12. Missed you.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  13. So glad you're feeling better, Doll! And I've got something more to cheer you up...BTW, don't forget: Please come on over and check out my Silly Sunday Sweepstakes!

  14. Yikes - I am so glad you are feeling better girl.

  15. Glad to hear from you, Susie! I was just thinking yesterday that I hadn't seen you around. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

  16. Susie-Q!!!!

    I've missed "seeing" you in blogland!!

    I'm glad you're feeling much better! It must have been serious if you couldn't blog!!

    Happy you're back and feeling better, my friend!

  17. I'm glad you're feeling better, Susie. I did wonder where you popped off to.

  18. Oooohh....I know how those 2ndary infections go.....glad you are feeling better! They sure can drag you down for a long time. Good excuse for you to take it are always going going going.
