Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Lily

Since the critters are eating my beans in my veggie garden, I am posting a picture of my lily because it give me hope:-)


  1. Uh, I hate critters....I have them on my crepe myrtles....we are trying to get rid of them.
    Pretty Lily

  2. Those crazy animals. At least they left you something nice to look at...

  3. I have some sort of tiny white fly on my tomatoes. I've sprayed and sprayed them but I can't get rid of them. I'm feeling your pain and I hope you find a solution.

  4. Hello Susie, thanks for visiting me today over at my tablescaping blog! I like the colors of your layout and that lily is very pretty in white!

  5. Very pretty! The critters have been here too :)

  6. I love the look of them but am so alleric that this is about as close as I can get. :D thanks for the sneak peak! so pretty

  7. I am sorry you are having critter problems, but I sure do love your lily! :)

  8. How is your rose bush?! Any sign of recovery? Im just unpacking from vacation and to lazy to page back for an update... Hopefully it's stabilized.

    And your lily? Be thankful. The stupid deer plucked all my lily blooms off just as they started to open.

  9. Just gorgeous! But beware...critters like day lillies, too!
