Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with Safety Town

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun:-) At my daughter's elementary school, they have this great program at the beginning of the school year called Safety Town. The kids learn all about how to read street signs, to cross the street, stranger danger, good touch and bad touch and posionous vs. nonposionous. They get a trip to the police department and the fire department too. They even get a T-shirt and they get to graduate from Safety Town. Here is my little graduate:


  1. What an adorable photo! That sounds like a great program for little kids :)

  2. That's a great idea! It's good to have the kids memorize their addresses and phone numbers. You just never know!!

  3. great idea!

    she is sooooo cute! :-)

    btw, come get your award!

  4. Fantastic idea.
    What a sweet and proud little girl.

  5. It is wonderful that they teach this at such a young age.

  6. They have a place here in Sacramento called Safety Town that does the same thing. VERY COOL! I hope she had a blast while learning about all these new sometimes scary things.

  7. That is a great idea!! Wish that every school would do that! Congratulations to her!

  8. A great program, for sure. Both my girls were Safety Patrols in elementary school. I think the more info kids get on staying safe, the better!

  9. I can't even get past the cute.. I wanna just scoop her up!!!

  10. That was actually one of my favorite memories in school! :) Safety Town rocks!
