Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Foto Fun with The Nature Center

It's time for Carrie's Friday Foto Fun! This week, my daughter's class went to The Nature Center for a field trip. They saw animals, they went on a nature hike and they made name tags out of bark. They had a GREAT time and I had a great time seeing their faces with wonder:-)


  1. Name tags out of bark. That sounds like a fun project! :)

  2. She looks like she's very interested in something!!

    What a cutie!

  3. I love her thoughtful expression!

  4. Love nature centres that so kid friendly. =)

  5. ahhh, field trips, those were the days!

  6. Wow what a fun place to go and learn... She does look so interested in what is going on behind the glass.

  7. Oh cute, I love her little glasses!

  8. Sounds like a great field trip. I bet they will remember it for years to come.

  9. she is adorable! her hair is getting so long! that would make a great B&W photo too! glad you had fun... I'd be ok as long as there weren't any reptiles...hehehe.

  10. I remember when I was young and enthusiastic and went along on every field trip opportunity. Oh, to feel that fresh and vibrant again! Now, I'm like "you went where?" "you did what" and I look at other people's photographs of my kids. I guess that is what happens now that we've got six of 'em!

  11. Now THAT sounds like a fun day :)
