Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy 400th Post!!

May I present...a Christmas Snowman! Made from snow that fell on Christmas Eve:-)

And yes, it is my 400th post and my blog will be turning two-years-old in a few days too! I have nothing but this snowman in tow to celebrate because I have been busy redesigning my blog for the new year. I am hoping that it will make it easier for you to enjoy your time here. So, come back Friday and see all the exciting changes:-)
Until then, I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!!


  1. lucky you getting snow..my daughter can only wish & cry over.

    Happy WW~

  2. I love the snowman! We haven't had any real snow here to make one. Keep your fingers crossed for us that we do!

  3. Aww! How cute!! Wish we could build on here!

    And yay on your 400th post! Can't wait to see your blog on Friday!

  4. That's a nice snow man. 400 th post. That's really wonderful. Shall wait to see the new look of your page.

  5. Cute snowman! Congratulations on 400 posts and best wishes for the New Year. :)

  6. Hi Susie! I love your blog and I look forward to following and trying your yummy recipes! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  7. Hi Susie
    we also got a big snowfall on Christmas eve, it is just starting to melt and we got 1 1/2 more inches last night. It is really pretty but I am ready for spring. Happy 2010 to you!

  8. And a lovely snowman he is! Congrats on your 400 posts! That's exciting!

  9. Happy 400th! :) And love the snow man. We have not had any snow yet this season, guess we had it all at the beginning of the year! lol Happy New year!

  10. We have had snow here but nothing that we can use to make a snowman (yet). And it is now snowing again. So we shall see....

    Congrats on the 400th post!

  11. Happy 400th post.Wow!!
    Love the snowman..i tried to make one with thekids..but the snow was packing snow

  12. Congrats.. I can't wait to see the changes. I want to make a snow man ...

  13. Happy 400th:)
    that sounds a little weird to say,haha!Nice snowman too!

  14. Happy 400th and 2 years blogging, how great is that. can't wait to see your new design.

    I had to look I have 660 blog posts and haven't been blogging for 2 years yet. (can you say get a life, lol)

  15. Oh, I can't wait to see your new look!

  16. How cute! :D We got some snow CHRISTmas eve and then last night!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  17. Congrats on 400posts and 2yrs!!

    Love the snowman.

  18. Nice Snowman! Happy 400th post! WOW! Have a Happy New Year!!!

  19. Oh, cute snowman! Love the buttons. We haven't had snow yet to speak of, but when we do we will definitely get on out there and create.

    Congrats on 400 posts! I thought I was coming up to a nice round number and then realized I had about 30 saved drafts that were inflating my total. Sigh. :)

  20. A wonderful snowman... Congrats on 400 posts... and I can't wait to see the new look...

  21. Happy 400th post!
    Happy WW
    Happy New Year to another great year blogging!


  22. wow! I can't wait to see the new changes! also - 400? really??? cool! super cute snowman too! my kids are sad that we do not get "packing" snow here in UT.

  23. Congrats on your 400th post! How amazing. Hope you have a wonderful 2010.


  24. Time flies when you're having fun! Congrats on 400 posts!

    And hope you have a Happy New Year!

  25. Looking forward to seeing the new design! And congrats on posting #400!

  26. Happy 400th! That is quite an accomplishment.
    And you are one of my favorite bloggers. I appreciate how supportive you are:)

  27. Congratulations on your 400th post! W00t! Nice snowman, too!

  28. Congrats!! That really is an achievement!! I'm on ... like 30th? Maybe, lol.
    Stopping by from Friday Follow, so pleased to meet you :D

    Joe @ 20 to Life
