Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving Schedule

I am tackling a Thanksgiving Schedule for Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom . This is my plan and you can print it for your reference if you like. Keep in mind that my dinner is this Saturday instead of next Thursday. Your dates would move back and forth according to when you are hosting your dinner party:-)

Happy Planning:-)


  1. Wow, you got it all planned out. good luck!

  2. Great plan!
    You are so very organized.

  3. Great idea! I've never done this, but I may need to try! Happy TT!

  4. I love that you're including a schedule like this. I'm still not allowed to host Thanksgiving, but I know when I do, the first couple years will be hectic. Me? I just need to make sourdough rolls this year - I get off too easy :)

  5. Looks like you are all set! Great job at organizing the meal!

  6. Dude, you're so organized. I need lessons.

  7. I have a four day plan! I love having certain things to do on certain days to make it all go more smoothly. I never thought to set the table the day before, though. I'd change my plan, but my kiddos would make sure to sabotage THAT.

  8. Wow you are a wonderful planner..

  9. Do you have any good sweet potato pie recipes?

  10. I bet you are ready for Turkey day.. THanks for the kind thoughts about my Mom. I hope your Mom is doing great..
