Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Girl Scout Ornament Exchange 2010

Every year, the Girl Scouts at my youngest's elementary school participate in an ornament exchange. The girls make three of the same ornaments: one to keep, one to trade with another Girl Scout and one to give to charity. It is a crazy loud event but one that reall speaks to the holiday and the spirit of Girl Scouts.

Here is what we made/traded this year along with the participation patch:
Girl Scout Ornament Exchange 2010
Happy Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom and Wordful Wednesday on parenting By dummies!


  1. very nice.. I love the badge they get. Have a great day.

  2. Those are really cute!!! I like the idea of making three of them. :)

  3. What a neat idea! And a cute badge too!

  4. REally cute, and the badge is adorable too!

  5. Oh that is awesome! I love that idea. We're still working on getting a Daisy troop up and running at Little Miss's school, but I certainly hope they do something similar. I love it!

  6. Very cute. We're making snowmen in progress..
    meeting you from the Tues blog hop I'd love to have you join me at

  7. Very cute! We didn't actually make ornaments this year for the first time in a long time! I keep thinking about it and then decide not to. We haven't done the gingerbread house yet, either. Last year I snatched up 3 right after Christmas for the price of 1 so I think that'll be our new tradition. ;-)
