Thursday, February 17, 2011

Have You Started Sowing?

With all my baking these last couple months, I haven't even started thinking about my outdoor garden!! Yikes!!! I had better get going!


  1. It's hard with the cold temps last week! Nice to see finally see the snow melting a bit! I have started thinking (DIY Herb Labels on blog today) but that thinking needs to become ACTION quick!

  2. It really is about that time, isn't it?

  3. We worked in the garden yesterday cleaning out last years junk and adding old manure for this year's crop. Looking forward to it!

  4. As always I'm impressed with all your talents and how you keep them all going.

    Can't wait to see what you have planned for your garden this year.

  5. Wait wait wait... it's only February - should I really be thinking about it when we'll still have frost until Mother's Day? Eek, I'm behind!

  6. I was JUST thinking that today.
    I need to get myself working.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Good Luck!I can't wait to start gardening.
    P.s. the cupcakes...oh my!

  8. No, I don't have anything planted yet, but I am working on rehabilitating some sad-looking plants that a friend tried to kill! Oh, and BTW: My chicas marched at the Capitol yesterday. In fact, Ella Numera Una has been down there off and on all week!
