Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting the Yard Ready

I hope everyone had a GREAT Memorial Day Weekend! We did! Other than watching my youngest in her first parade and a little thing called my birthday, we did A LOT of yardwork. This work included getting our yard ready for summer. The triumphant return of our pool!!!

Playing along with Tackle It Tuesday with 5 Minutes for Mom .


  1. Woo Hoo for Summer! How fun to watch your daughter in the parade. I loved watching my boys when they were younger participating in our state fair parade. Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. When we had one, Memorial Day was when we opened our pool too! Yay for summer!

  3. I really hope it stays warm enough for pools. :)

  4. Awesome Tackle.

    Pool time and yard work are two of my favorite things. Really makes it feel like summer

  5. My yard isn't ready, but I am! I'll just head over to your house! LOL
