Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fail Proof Pie Crust

On Friday, Little Momma and Company wrote about her pie-making woes. In response to that, I offered to post my mother-in-law's pie crust recipe. Unfortunately, she was out of town this weekend and I just now got permission to publish her secret. Here it is:

Fail Proof Pie Crust
3 Cups Flour
1 1/4 Cups Crisco
1 egg
4 Tbsp. cold water
For golden double crust:

1. Cut the Crisco into the flour.
2. Mix the egg and water together.
3. Mix egg mixture into the flour/Crisco mixture until just combined (handling as little as possible).
4. Divide into 2 equal pieces.
5. Immediately, roll out on floured surface to desired size. Do not chill this dough! Roll in one direction and keep the dough moving so it doesn't stick to your surface.
6. Fill as desired.
7. For double crust recipes, coat top crust with milk and spinkle with sugar for a golden crust.
8. Bake according to your favorite filling recipe and enjoy.

Yield: 1 9-inch double crust or 3 8-inch single crusts.

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